POET Technologies Inc.

re post
about 9 years ago
in response to Smitty90's message

"..they have contracted Geoff Taylor to work with them and build real commercial products."

And this is likely what has freaked out a number of investors like myself, aside from the fact that a revenue or deal has not occurred yet. Does anyone have any clue how long it will take to design, build and test these real commercial products? This can take years! I really hope not, but without the company telling us anything concrete, the uncertainty is there! We were under the impression all along that they would be licensing the IP and we would be seeing NRE revenue early on as a result. This would sky rocket the SP early on and open us up to a world of possibilities including a NASDAQ listing, and exposing us to other funds, etc.. This might be excellent long term but for pete's sake, how much longer are we going to have to wait ?

In terms of hiring a bunch of folks, thats great news but also supports my theory that this will take much longer. I have worked for tech companies and those positions will take months to fill, and the average ramp up time before someone is productive is 3-6 months. For our company it is closer to 6 months. Add that all up with the time to design and produce a new product and you can see how far in the future we might have to wait. Lets not forget the increased burn rate, increasing the risk of further dilution. What happened to licensing, at the very least to start to get some money to fund product design and development?

What if they reveal their new vision/ plan at the end of september and tell us they expect revenues possibly sometime in mid to late 2016? What do you think that will do to the SP that is already abysmal? Just think about it and try to look deeper into the reason behind the changes of direction. Were they unsuccessful at getting a deal? What happened behind the scenes that we don't know about? Don't be naive and assume everything is going as planned. A lot of companies will always brush it aside and come out with a new business strategy, and new management, leaving the old team no longer accountable. This is now happening with POET, and you'll already hear people on this board saying, "oh well, thats the old management team". Forget about everything that they committed to achieving over the last few years. Hearing that really peeves me off.

Sugar coat things all you want at this stage, but we aren't at 74 cents solely on the fact that Pinetree has been selling. There is always more to it that mangement will not reveal and we better not have to wait much longer. 5 years later, and I would have expected a bit more by now. The tech is absolutely amazing but the real risk lies in commercialization. The end of september, or whenever they announce their plans will be a really pivotal time for us. Frankly, how much longer we might have to wait beyond September really is what worries me. We will soon find out.

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