cheapinski's Profile

cheapinski's Posts

Re: The future of the iPhone 8

you say that the alpha prototype isnt completed yet.....are you sure? They arent known for their communication skills, and like lumenge suggested, they may not wish to announce that until rigorous testing/optimization has taken place.

Just playing the devils advocate here, but its been a very long time since Ajit suggested things would be buttoned up in "weeks" not quarters! what have they been doing in the meantime, if they dont have a working prototype in hand? 

time for some answers and all this cosy nda BS can piss off!

over 7 years ago
Re: Pictures now on

sounds like its time to rent an office and ditch the industrial setting. maybe just move back to Toronto to escape any Trump issues since it appears that our horses are hitched to that Singapore wagon!


over 7 years ago
Re: Not sure if anyone cannot see them but

I had trouble cutting and pasting today Derekwpg....finally gave up.....a glitch of some sort? 

over 7 years ago
Re: Newest Issue of Semiconductor Today Mag

How confident are you that these issues have been properly addressed 


over 7 years ago
Re: NASA Thoughts on Integrated Photonics.

can you identify that article for us? was it recent? thx morningstar

over 7 years ago
Re: All roads...Sula

Hey Sula, you said...In retrospect who would have not sold in late summer 16 had they had the conviction to assess the impending difficulties and delays emerging then as the time to get out and sit on the sidelines observing. I say good luck to anyone who read the writing on the wall back then.

You would of had to have been a clairvoyant to sell before the news of a PO last fall, as you would have been going against the rosy guidance forecast of August. 

At least, thats my recollection. Anyone who got out prior to the PO call must have been in touch with the spirits! 

Pretty spooky huh?

over 7 years ago
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