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Re: Newest Issue of Semiconductor Today Mag

OK.    I have wondered in the past exactly how much time we lost, how many possible trials were missed.   I don't think anyone here can answer that, and I won't waste my time asking IR.

over 7 years ago
Re: Newest Issue of Semiconductor Today Mag

"I feel that we are closer than ever in seeing prototypes and production as we lost about 6 to 9 months of that time."

Yes, that would explain everything, but how did you arrive at those numbers?   I assume you are referring to the VCSEL?  Are you saying that no wafers were produced during that period, for 6 to 9 months?

over 7 years ago
Re: Try to be objective (re-Subhash)

Although a buy out is not impossible, all they would get is DensLight, and the yet unproven IP and history of efforts to produce a working IR transceiver.   If Poet can claim success with the transceiver, a buy out would be in dollars, not pennies imo.  Question is, is someone out there willing to pay .45 to .55 cents/share, for DenseLight, (a big price for DL, which is itself still in the development stage) and the yet unproven Intellectual Property of Poet, namely the VCSEL?



over 7 years ago
Re: Try to be objective

You can't force the Company to release good news if there is none.  I have reluctantly come around to the conclusion that a successful working demonstration of a GaAs VCSEL might be years away, if ever.   In my mind, therefore, if that is the case, the effort put into DenseLight makes a lot of sense, because without it, what would we have?  

Shareholders are reduced to hope and trust that management is doing the right thing.   By that, I mean in Singapore, where it seems almost all the activity and much investment is being concentrated.  I wonder if there is still a need for the office in San Jose?   Maybe it should all be moved to Singapore, to consolidate everything and save some money.


over 7 years ago
Re: Volume

Note the dimensions. Imagine 40 transmitters and receivers on a single chip with one fiber end to end. At 25G per channel that is a terabit.

There is a saying "it boggles the mind".

over 7 years ago
Re: Volume

The POET 850nm VCSEL based optical engine (transceiver) is to be used for the AOC. The work with A*Star is to modify that VCSEL to produce the required visible light for display.

First things first -- demonstration of the 850nm VCSEL.  That would great in itself.  To produce one for visible light display is the ultimate, of which shareholder's dreams are made of.

over 7 years ago
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