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ScaryRaccoon's Posts

Re: OK....I hear you all

"this is a warning CP, I know you are on the other board bragging about getting reinstated. I would drop this line of conversation going forward if you want to have the privledge to post here."

Bluecollardollar, who do you think you are to decide who has privileges to post and who doesn't? PB13 hardly had any violations on him after all these years, and you whacked him on one post today. Was the post inappropriate? Yes! Should you have deleted the post and given him a warning? Yes! Stop abusing your power and banning people left and right. History shows you are way too quick with the ban trigger when warn and delete would do just fine for most scenarios.

It should only be used in really extreme cases and constant abuse to fellow members and violations. PB13 wasn't even close to that point yet, claims to have been invested for 8 years (I've definitely seen him around for at least 3-4), was showing his frustrations (a bit too strongly) and you completely moved his right to post after being around so long.

I would have PMed you if I could but please knock it off and stop abusing the use of that function. Thanks.

almost 8 years ago
Re: I think we are seeing part of the reason for the timing of the raise.

Thats the stupidest thing I've heard or management's judgement is worse than I thought. The stock was trading close to 80 cents at the time. What disastrous market conditions were they expecting where a 36 cent PO would end up being beneficial to existing shareholders and the company? This is ludicrous in terms of the damage they have done to this company, to loyal shareholders and their own reputations as businessman. As Trump would say, its a disaster!

If this theory holds water, this has turned out to be an extremely miscalculated, uninformed decision as now the election is over, and behold - the markets are up! There will finally be some real positive change in the US, the doom and gloom of a Trump victory is highly misunderstood, and we sit with our heads deep under water at 30 cents for a stock that was trading multiple years in the $1-2 range with literally a giant ice berg now floating over top of us keeping us under for who knows how long. Thanks management!

almost 8 years ago
Re: KROM: Worth considering.

"Its the fault of the share holders who jumped on the sell button and smashed it down on the news"

Its disturbing you say that when you were likely one of the "loyal" shareholders selling all the way down in order to have cash available for the PO (by the way, its not a PP like your "Facts" post suggests).

You said:

"6- I was fortunate to be part of the PP and will rout for the new promoters."

Don't trust anyone that gloats about their excellently timed purchases, but at the same time, never tells you when they sell. Thats a big clue. Don't expect they will admit it either.

Oh and by the way, its not the fault of the shareholders that they put no price on the PO which was an extremely careless business decision (a PO at 3.5-4 year lows) -very well executed and looking after existing shareholder's interests!

Its not our fault that we keep being told to expect results, but never get them. How can you dare blame regular shareholders for that? Thats complete nonsense.

By the looks of bluecollardollar's poll so far, your theory is not holding any water either.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Mike White IBK

"I think will move this company very quickly into a ramp up of production with existing products and future products."

Move this company maybe, but likely will not do much to the share price. The damage done to this management team's reputation and complete destruction of shareholder loyalty and trust is irreparable.

Here is why we will have trouble recovering regardless of what this money is used for.

If this stock recovers to somewhere in the 60-80 cent range (I hope), there will be a large number of those shareholders who lost faith and trust in managements decision making who will begin to sell off good portions of their position to reduce risk and exposure knowing what happened this week. They will be the shareholders who are happy to have recovered a good portion of their investment and may keep a portion to see where this ends up.

Now at the same time you have the new shareholders from the PO with 30+ million shares in total selling into the open market (thanks Suresh). Ohh, and if the stock manages to recover somewhat to summer prices (that were already very depressing), we will have an endless amount of warrants to get through yet again. This time multiples more then previous years! Thats reality regardless what they plan on doing with the money.

So who cares if they ramp up production on the Denselight product side. The revenues will still be miniscule compared to the current market cap and will not be enough for the SP to burn through the new paper entering the market. I am not even here for Denselight yet it is impacting our investment very negatively so far. I still think it was a huge mistake and management is no longer focused as much as they should be on POET. This is evident in their recent presentations. The acquisition of Denselight has also led to this horrific PO, otherwise the money was not needed now. The damage caused by this PO and how it was handled will take a miracle to get us back to a 2014 SP range. Hopefully some US analyst coverage will help, but I'm no longer holding my breath.

As a side observation, I don't think Suresh and Co. realize what expectations the investor base put on the company over the last few years. A lot of that is a consequence of expectations set by this board unfortunately over the years. They don't care what we've previously gone through, what we've all expected by this time in the year 2016, and this is also causing a lot of disappointment (based on the selling since the THM) when at the same time they probably feel we should all be excited by the progress they have made. They don't realize that talking about 2018 and possibilities in 2021 are frightening for this fatigued shareholder base.

almost 8 years ago
Shareholders United

When a lot of us were taking jabs at each other and going back and forth about ideas and arguing about the path of the company in the past (like FJ and myself starting in 2011/12), I think a major point was missed that we are all still on the same side!! We may have seen things differently, but we all wanted the best possible end result for our investment through the successful monetization and adoptation of POET in the industry. At least I think none of us were shorters, just traders, or wished anything bad on each other. At least I hope not.

Now its all of us against them and we seriously need to unite to do anything we can here against this management team who has steered us into an ugly path we never signed up for originally. Rob has proven through all the past years polls just how many of us there are, and how many shares we all hold. Think about it.

almost 8 years ago
Patience for what?

So this is how we are awarded for our Patience™? 6 long years and this is what we get???

The worst thing that has happened to this company so far is this new management team. Most of you were all wrong about this team, and putting too much trust into these guys. Do you trust them now? They don't even answer investor questions anymore like at the last conference call, because they are too cowardly to face investors! Didn't anyone notice?

I have always been critical about the path they were taking to monetization and the constant shifts in strategy leading to further dilution, but I never knew this team could stoop so low and treat existing long term shareholders like the scum of the earth.

I was ridiculed for many of my posts over the years telling people to keep their expectations in check and when I said a buyout one day in the $5-10 range was more likely then the crazy numbers posted on this board, who would have thought I was being insanely over optimistic too??? The reverse merger talk better be just another bad rumour.

For years I've talked about how the share price matters, and how they needed to sustain it to limit damage done in events like this. Constant replies I got was share price never mattered. Well we might have had a much larger insitutional investor base (if management put more focus in that) if we were trading in multiple dollars like we should have been for the last few years. This would have prevented the vultures from coming in, manipulating the price and stealing shares at .36 ridiculous cents. Another 25% dilution, and who knows what else is to come?

If they are capable of doing this to existing shareholders, what else are they capable of doing? Imagine a low buyout that doesn't even allow most of us to break even after this long? I could never imagine that things could get this bad.

almost 8 years ago
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