POET Technologies Inc.

So this is how we are awarded for our Patience™? 6 long years and this is what we get???

The worst thing that has happened to this company so far is this new management team. Most of you were all wrong about this team, and putting too much trust into these guys. Do you trust them now? They don't even answer investor questions anymore like at the last conference call, because they are too cowardly to face investors! Didn't anyone notice?

I have always been critical about the path they were taking to monetization and the constant shifts in strategy leading to further dilution, but I never knew this team could stoop so low and treat existing long term shareholders like the scum of the earth.

I was ridiculed for many of my posts over the years telling people to keep their expectations in check and when I said a buyout one day in the $5-10 range was more likely then the crazy numbers posted on this board, who would have thought I was being insanely over optimistic too??? The reverse merger talk better be just another bad rumour.

For years I've talked about how the share price matters, and how they needed to sustain it to limit damage done in events like this. Constant replies I got was share price never mattered. Well we might have had a much larger insitutional investor base (if management put more focus in that) if we were trading in multiple dollars like we should have been for the last few years. This would have prevented the vultures from coming in, manipulating the price and stealing shares at .36 ridiculous cents. Another 25% dilution, and who knows what else is to come?

If they are capable of doing this to existing shareholders, what else are they capable of doing? Imagine a low buyout that doesn't even allow most of us to break even after this long? I could never imagine that things could get this bad.

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