POET Technologies Inc.

in response to oogee's message

oogee, very well expressed!

I agree with you, however, I just wanted people to understand that shifting away from a complete licensing strategy comes with some added complications and I'm sure many of us were ecstatic with the benefits the licensing route would give us as investors. Just to name a few:

  • little upfront cost
  • huge margins
  • quicker path to monetization

Moving away from that might reap greater rewards in the long run if successful but I was concerned with whether this would involve needing to raise a bunch more capital to accomplish this along with the man power that would be required. I agree we aren't starting from stratch, but wasn't the finish line closer with POET not having to do any of this themselves? Hiring, training, designing, developing iteratively, testing, testing, and more testing all takes time and can we see revenues before this? I hope so. I'm looking forward to seeing how this is possible and I really hope you are right.

I haven't seen anyone really discuss this yet which I found odd. Only lots of excitement about job postings without any thought as to what that really means in the short term (3-6 months). Maybe thats because we are all waiting to hear the details of the plan in the coming month. Until then, I guess too much is up in the air to discuss too deeply. The uncertainty does make investors nervous though and has surely contributed to this recent decline, on top of the Pinetree mess.

Thanks again for your well thought out response.

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