Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to ronran's message

is indeed our representative to the Creditors Committee and the one communicating with the CC's lawyer on our behalf.

I have yet to see any filing from PTSC which presses or promotes a position different or additional to that of the Creditor's Committee for the courts consideration.

PTSC is only on that Committee because we are owed $1M, BUT, unbelieveably, I have yet to read anything about us pushing a proposition or demand through the BK court which will better PTSC's position or control as a Co-Owner of the patents.

We have a larger and more significant interest in the success of the licensing program than do the various motels and airline and other service providers who simply want to be paid their set amount and don't care what happens to the MMP after that; yet it appears we're content to once again defer our destiny to the design of others.

Knowing that TPL would be in BK court cannot be a surprise to PTSC. Ms Felcyn, our own self acknowledged "Forensics Accountant", spent several hours reviewing TPL's internal books back in 2010, and she determined even back then that he owed over $30M, had over $1M a month in negative cash flow and was "clearly insolvant".

So .. it once again begs the question ..knowing what they knew, what WE now know, WHY did they agree to the weak and DL benefiting 2012 Settlement which conveniently also may have insulated and sheltered the 25% licensing fee of the MMP from the BK court, not even appoint a 3rd member to PDS, not increase our percentage ownership position, committed us to a contract that the other party can terminate for "convenience", not secure MMP Infringment Work Product ownership rights, and drop the Fraud suit against TPL ????????

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