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Are Flowers, Felcyn and Johnson LITERALLY Stealing?

According to the 10K, between the 3 BODges compensation, office rent, provision for taxes, and PTSC legal fees, there is barely $650K in expenses. There were 2 other employees of PTSC as of last 10K, and now there is only 1 other employee, with the previous one receiving severance this past year.

YET, there are over $1.575M in Selling, General and Administrative expenses.

What makes up the nearly $900K difference? Is it salaries to the other 2 (now 1) employee? Is it consultants that are hired from time to time?

It's not PDS, since that has actually been profitable over the last year, and has averaged being profitable over the last 2 years.

I know the served some seriously delicious virtual caviar a this year's SHAM, but are we really spending $900K on some admin help, and health insurance, and the like.... for 2 people?!

With them being in an executive suite office set up, and virtually being a defunct operation, am I missing something on the expense side that would account for the difference? Wonder if Cliff is expensing his kids' college tuitions, or we've got a couple of company Ferrari's or perhaps, there was a team meeting in Mykonos over the last year, that included familes?! Wow, what am I missing or is it a matter of Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely?! I'm hoping I'm just tired late on a Monday, and missing something obvious, or should we ask, Cliff, how do you look in stripes?

about 8 years ago
beantown / Re: ronran / Re: beantown / Re: Hey Lambert...Brady is free

OK, in all seriousness, here's how I look at it.

I grew up in N.E., and I was a fair weather Pats fan most of my life. I do think Brady is a great QB, though under pressure, he becomes a good QB. Take away the constant whining to the refs and the flags granted when someone so much as sneezes in his direction (as compared to the crap Ben deals with with no help from the refs), and take away Brady's affiliation with Bellicheat, and I would be a big fan.

Aside from the fact that I have no doubt the ball deflation was real and ongoing, and that Brady knew it and initiated it, I think it's a BS issue, and really has no bearing on anything. I DO think it's funny that THAT is what he's getting dumped on over. It's the NFL's fault for not providing 12 balls that BOTH teams use in a game and NFL ballboys to handle them, and getting rid of this each team providing their own balls crap (that BTW Brady & Manning are the ones that begged the NFL to allow).

In contrast to deflategate, and contrary to what you say, SPYGATE was a REAL issue that provided a REAL advantage to the Pats. It went on for years (seven I believe) and I saw the actual affects in the 2001 AFC championship game in person in Pittsburgh. Wouldn't doubt it was in play in the 2004 AFC championship game as well, though a rookie Big Ben's goal line pick six was mostly at fault for that one.

As for Bellydick, Brady MADE him. Before Brady, he was a losing coach. I'm not saying he's not a really good coach, I'm just saying that he's not "the genius" that he's portrayed ad nauseum as being. Why? If you consider that the Pats won each of their first 3 SB's by ONLY 3 points. That's ONE 3rd or 4th down conversion that kept ONE drive alive that allowed ONE field goal to tie or win. Without the videotaped signals, does the Pats offense make the conversion? Who knows. But what I DO know is that Belicheat gained enough of an advantage from Spygate to continue to do CONSISTENTLY DO it, game in game out, season in season out, even after being warned about it, that it was worth it to him. So say they don't convert that key down in the SB's. Or in the Playoff games that lead to SB's. That ONE PLAY. If Bill Belichick is 0-3 in his first 3 SB's is he considered a genius?! Or is he Marv Levy? What we do know is NO OTHER TEAM HAS EVER BEEN CAUGHT DOING IT OR DISCIPLINED FOR IT before or since.

I played football my whole life all the way through college. I KNOW how important the smallest of advantages can be in the game, and how it is literally a game of inches. I saw in person that first AFC Championship game where they qualified for their first SB. It's one of the tapes of spygate evidence that the NFL destroyed. There were things going on in that game that I sensed at the time that didn't make football sense to me. Years later I learned why.

IMO, Belicose deserves EVERY BIT of criticism he gets, and every bit of character questioning he is subject too. He brcought it on to himself through is knowingly breaking of the rules and arrogance that it didn't matter because it was him, and in many ways continues to do so. Unfortunately for him, Brady is the beneficiary of some of Belichick's cheating, and the reason for much of Belicheat's success, so he's tarnished by that association. How much did he know about Spygate at the time? I don't know, but I think that the Belichick Patriot's culture is one of arrogance and the rules are for the other guys mentality, so IMO, it was S.O.P. for them, and not anything Brady knew to feel differenltly about, and perhaps part of why he the DeflateGate issue in his mind is a "nothing wrong" issue. I can tell you that was NOT the Raymond Barry Patriot's mentality. Nor even the Tuna's. Not Ron Meyer's.

Is Brady as successful withOUT Belichick? Hard to say for sure, but I think he'd still be pretty successful as he is quick to read defenses, and a great passer, and 1 or 2 SB wins, or even more on the right team wouldn't surprise me.

Is Belichick as successful without Marcia?! Not a chance! In contrast to illustrate, Bill Cowher was the winningest coach in the NFL during his time there coaching, and he did it with the likes of Neil O'Donnell, Mike Tomzack, Kordell Stewart, & Tommy Maddox. Finally won one with Big Ben, but he was ALWAYS in the mix. Bill B.?! Not so much. Is Belichick/Brady as successful without the SpyGate advantages? IMO, a resounding NO! Clearly, they'd be successful, but not 4 Lombardies sucessful, and I doubt even 6 SBs played in successful.

All kidding aside, THAT's my honest feelings on these guys. I may joke about it, and heap my own smack talk abuse on them, but as a former fan of them (spoiled only by the arrogance and disdain exhibited by Belichick), it bothers me that they've stained a team I used to root for and that they are that kind of team, in my opinion.

I know Pats fans see this differently, and I acknowledge that I certainly see things Steelers related through Black N Gold glasses most times, but I also realize when my team is in the wrong, and will usually grudgingly admit it. In the end, it's a game, and there are way worse things happening in the world that we SHOULD be concerned with, so it's mostly amounts to very little, EXCEPT, it's a game I love, and that young kids learn from and emulate those who are successful, so I want them to be successful for the RIGHT reasons. So I'll pipe up on occassion about it, especially when we can all have fun talking about Marcia Brady's soft balls.

about 9 years ago
ronran / Re: beantown / Re: Hey Lambert...Brady is free

Oh my! I'm sure most criminals that face legal action in front of the court are there because they got caught on the very first time they committed the crime! lol

Like all things Bill Bellicose and Marcia Brady related, there is a long history of breaking the rules, and deciding those rules were meant for everyone else but not for the Pansidiots!

Whether or not it helped them in the game against the Colts, or not is NOT the issue. It's the arrogant "rules don't apply to us" attitude and practice that is pervasive with them. There are reports, and I have no doubt that the deflated balls issue was ongoing for years.

As for "causation", interestingly enough, the team with the "soft balls" is also the team that has the fewest fumbles. Coincidence?! Uh.....nah! Clearly a deflated ball is easier to grasp.

Kinda like saying that it was simply coincidence that the Apple license wasn't PR'd by TPL or PTSc when it happened. No, we all KNOW now, that it wasn't PR'd because to do so would've destroyed the MMP licensing program, and caused shareholders to pick up the pitchforks and the axes. It wasn't until they realized WE knew that PTSC took action to "appear" as though they were guarding the fort, when they have done nothing of the sort for nearly 10 years.

I saw a clip of Tammy Brady walking on the side walk, and a reporter ran up to him causing him to abruptly stop short. Apparently, we won't be seeing much of Ease for quite awhile, as they have had to surgically remove him from TB's backside after that incident, and he's still recovering! Apparently, though, CONTRARY to Marcia's high opinion of herself, Ease HAS HAD to resort to aroma therapy as part of his recovery.

about 9 years ago
beantown / Re: Hey Lambert...Brady is free

Believe it or not, I'm glad he's playing next week. At the same time, I think he was guilty as charged, but I think it's a stupid charge! The REAL crime was SpyGate, and they got off way to easy on that, so I'll always look at the Pats as the Pats*. I liken DeflateGate to Al Capone getting nabbed for tax evasion of all things.

Should make for a good game to start the season. Too bad Steelers are missing Bell and Bryant, and Pouncey, as those are big hits to take, but Ben has looked smokin' sharp in the preseason, and if DeAngelo Williams can fill in for Bell well enough, I look for Ben to school Marcia on how to play QB. By the way, Ben doesn't do ANYTHING to the balls, no scuffing, no neading, no inflating, no nothin'.

I can't understand why the NFL rules don't just say WE, the NFL, will uncarton 24 brand new balls 1 hour before the game, blow them up to proper spec, and each team plays with the same balls...... oh yeah, NOW I remember why they DON'T do that.... Because TAmmy Brady lobbied the NFL so that he could use his own balls and prepare them the way he likes them.

As for the NFL office, you're way off base. They're way to smart, too talented, and too visionary to work for PTSC. Though I DO agree with your assessment that they're a complete bunch of morons! lol

Good luck next week. I say James Harrison knocks Marcia out of the game by the middle of the third quarter. And Gisele files for divorce by the beginning of the fourth!

about 9 years ago
shboomer - HOW? / Re: Who owns the MMP?

"I am bemused how TPL has got away with this. "

They did so because our side is asleep at the switch...INTENTONALLY. Simply a show being put on to protect them from liability, but really no real intent to succeed. That's clear from their sustained actions when dealing with TPL/DL.

IMO, the evidence points to PTSC management and BOD colluding with DL and TPL, not trying to protect PTSC's interests. There is a limited lifestpan to the patents. Flowers, Felcyn and Johnson collect the same money whether we win or lose in court, whether the shareprice is 1 cent or 1 dollar. They have no real share ownership to speak of, and thus no risk or skin in the game.

Why not just prolong the process with no real resolution as long as possible, until the PTSC treasury can't pay them any more. Another 6 years is $3.75M to our 3 BODges. After that, the company would have been dead anyway, they've seen to that. What do they have to gain by doing anything differently than they have. They're partners with DL in all senses IMO.

about 9 years ago
WOW! What TOTAL ABJECT Failures Flowers, Johnson & Felcyn have been

On 9/17/07, when Cliff Flowers joined PTSC, the share price was 45 cents, and there were 391K shares outstanding. Roughly a $176M market cap for PTSC. PTSC had assets of $24M on its balance sheet.

On 10/9/09, when Cliff Flowers was appointed Interim CEO, the share price was 32 cents, and there were 410M shares outstanding. Roughly a $131M market cap for PTSC. PTSC had assets of $32M on its balance sheet.

As of today, the share price is less than 4 cents, and there are 401M shares outstanding. Roughly a $16M market cap for PTSC. On 5/31/15, PTSC had assets on its balance sheet of barely $5M (likely less now).

In the 8 years Cliff has been with PTSC, he has received $3M in compensation.

In the 8 years Cliff has been with PTSC, the MMP has brought PTSC over $41M in ADDITIONAL revenue. That is JUST PTSC's PORTION!

So if you add $41M to the $24M in assets PTSC had when Cliff joined, that's $65M in resources that PTSC has had access to and that Cliff was directly responsible for overseeing to create a sustainable profitable company, and to strengthen the MMP licensing effort.

So in 8 years, Cliff Flowers has pissed away $60M in REAL COLD HARD CASH AND ASSETS! $3M of it went into his OWN POCKETS. Another nearly $2M went into Carlton Johnson's and Gloria Felcyn's pockets.

Aside for the actual resources pissed away from the comapny, DIRECTLY becuase of THEIR ACTIONS, INACTIONS, DECISIONS and PERFORMANCE, shareholders have lost $160M in value.

All of that despite that in this time frame the MMP exited the USPTO intact, and the courtroom intact, there is NOTHING that one can honestly argue is better about PTSC or fora shareholders than it was when he joined, when he became CEO, or anytime since. NOTHING!!!! He essentially PERSONALLY handed out $60M in 8 years, $7.5M per year, with nothing but failure upon failure in return. Where did it go? What did he do with it? How can that be considered performance that merited him keeping his job, much less being promoted and receiving increases and bonuses?!

How can Carlton and Gloria still be there?!

The only explanation is that he, and they have no ethics, no morals, no integrity! They are literally theives, as they have taken, taken and taken, yet provided NOTHING of value in return. They clearly have no shame or self resepct, as anyone with those qualities would've replaced themselves out of sheer embarassment.

There have been so many defenders of this crew over the years, and so many who want to blame those outside the company for this dismal show. HOWEVER, this is EIGHT YEARS!! Not 1 year, or 2 years... but EIGHT YEARS!!! Do you see why you were out of bounds to defend these folks?! Do you see how WRONG it was to try and disparage SHAREHOLDERS who tried to show you what reality was?! Do you see how much damage you did to shareholders with your own excuse mentality!?

There is no PLAN. There is no STRATEGY. There is no ETHICAL FIDUCIARY RESPONSIBILITY at PTSC. There is simply grifters looking to go through the motions and pick up their check. And it's been that plan all along. THAT IS THE PLAN! The evidence is crystal clear.

Cliff Flowers, EIGHT YEARS??!!! EIGHT YEARS and all you have done is DESTROY! Shame on you! Gloria FELCYN and CARLTON JOHNSON, your tenure has been even longer, and all you have done is DESTROY, and allowed DESTRUCTION with IMPUNITY.

SHAME ON YOU! How can you sleep at night? How can you look in the mirror?!

$5M of blood money in your own pockets. $55M into your friends' pockets. $160M taken from shareholders pockets. Dan Leckrone?! Sure he's no better, but the TRUTH IS, he's not worse either. YOU ARE ALL INTERCHANGEBLE.

about 9 years ago
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