teremoto's Profile

teremoto's Posts

Re: TPL BK Pacer

thanks for keeping us informed. it is very much appreciated.

we are nearing the last phase of this sad saga.


almost 10 years ago
Re: Apple to pay $23.6 million in damages in patent case

and the MMP was the technology that allowed the processor to break the 120mz threshold and we gave them a license for this technology for $900,000. wow........

lecktrone is a thief and should be sitting in a cell next to Bernie Madoff......guess there is no law against greed and stupidity.

hard to believe with a patent like the mmp we are at .04..................Thanks PTSC and TPL......job well done.


almost 10 years ago
Re: ridiculous talk of ownership.. What is ridiculous is the superficial

All the news, pacers etc has SELL written all over it. U have one heck of a mental filter to come up with the notion that FUD is driving this thing into the toilet.

we are not at .01 yet because the long time shareholder is on their own 1 yard line and is praying for a "hail mary pass" to bail us out. And, no FUD....we are on our own 1 yard line because the over compensated worthless BOD has fumbled the ball for 10 consecutive years......

Amazes me that their is still this miindset that the last 10 years have all been a FUD campaign for cheaper shares. u read the pacers provided and u still believe in the FUD theory.....really?????


almost 10 years ago
Re: Investing in this stock


i know how you feel....but....you invested in a technology that, managed properly, would have seen a stock price much higher. the problem is not with you and your selecting ptsc as an investment....but with the crooks that took the company over, gutted and destroyed it for their own personal gain and greed.


about 10 years ago
Re: Is it reasonable to expect Alliacense to send out at least another 1,000 notices

this should have been done long ago.....wonder why they have not?? one would have thought at the very least TPL would have done this since they are managing the licensing. gloria, cliff, carlton only sign the required sec forms...they do no more, no less......that is what we pay them for....to fill out the required sec forms of a public shell.

but tpl has chosen not to issue infringement notices........so even if the licensing program is pursued, i believe the lookback period is shortened and the potential damage amounts are reduced. none of this makes any sense....it almost seems that there is something else at play and based on the history of our BOD and TPL it would be hard to imagine anything that would benefit the shareholder.

The good ship PTSC....adrift at sea with no one at the helm

over 10 years ago
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