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1Rare1's Posts

This story sounds familiar. Where have I heard it before?

Normally don't wish ill-will on people, however, sure wouldn't hurt my feelings if PTSC mgmt and Lecky were traveling together on the 101 coastal highway and plunged 500 feet to the rocks below. I'm not even sure if sharks would feast on such rotten flesh?


about 8 years ago
Re: We are back in the 3s with some volume in the first 2hrs??? Ask is almost .04

Looks like the typical Patriot Friday Pump and Dump special. This is now well documented. Looking back over the last several spikes, many of them occurred on Friday and were gone by Monday morning. The fleecing continues.

about 9 years ago
Re: TPL BK Pacers.. Here it is Laurie

K. Apparently I missed that explanation. Thx

almost 10 years ago
Re: TPL BK Pacers.. Here it is Laurie

This sounds like the end of our run. I would expect the stock to tank after this little blurb. Doesn't this concern anyone?

-MIG expects to generate $200 million in licensing and litigation revenue over the

next five years, with nearly two thirds of the total revenue being returned to PDS for

distribution as royalties. This is achievable because MIG will create a small group of

licensing, business and engineering professionals to lead the effort for MMP.

almost 10 years ago

What is there to re-read? I didn't say anything that wasn't factual. Alliacense being replaced with MIG is extremely important. The trustee has broad power to oversee the process as well. Chuck Moore will now be the public face of the commercialization efforts. I see nothing but "potential" positive outcomes, if and this is a big if, TPL hasn't damaged potential license values through their absurb low ball past settlements. I brought that up years ago, but most blew sit off. With the HTC judgement it certainly looks like those numbers came into play. Regardless of whether or not all of HTC's products were included during trial. I like what I"ve read thus far. Chuck Moore wants his money and seems willing to play ball with all those involved. Daniel Leckrone was, is and continues to be the scumbag most thought he was all along.

about 10 years ago

Having just read through "most" of it, I can see your concerns. However, at this juncture having Mr. Moore as the lead face seems the most prudent route. Time is definitely our enemy. His new plan appears to keep things very transparent and allows the Trustee complete access to any needed information. There appear to be more checks and balances, especially compared to our current situation. It seems so obvious now, and as some of us suspected long ago, Leckrone made sure he removed Chuck as an obstacle. From there he consolidated all power and started cashing checks. Reading those documents makes your blood boil.

I think this would be a good time to drop Leckrone in Northern Iraq wearing a shirt that says, " Sunni's Suck".

about 10 years ago
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