GumboSoup's Profile

GumboSoup's Posts

Re: For a moment

Thanks for the humor during these less than happy times. It made me smile.

almost 9 years ago
Re: NDoC Pacer...the future (or lack thereof)...Gumbo

You're right. I agree.

I wasn't paying attention. Sorry about that.

almost 9 years ago
Re: NDoC Pacer...the future (or lack thereof)

I assume we'll see a motion for summary judgement and then an appeal for sure, right? I don't see Patriot just letting this die. The alternative is shutting the doors and, as you said, letting go of a paycheck.

Wow, quite the saga.

almost 9 years ago
Re: Who knows, sometimes courts reverse and reverse again .... patents on water?

I don't care about their reputation. My warning is not to say anything that will get a person slapped with a defamation suit. Remember, truth is generally an absolute defense to libel/slander. How much that truth gets colored and in what way can lead to potentially unhappy consequences. That's all. Otherwise, go knock yourself out exposing those people.

almost 9 years ago
Re: Who knows, sometimes courts reverse and reverse again .... patents on water?

You should probably be a little careful about what you say, how you say it and where you say it. That is, if you really want to do what you're suggesting.

almost 9 years ago
Re: Plummet

There's something there now.

almost 9 years ago
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