Stock_Stalker's Profile

Stock_Stalker's Posts

Re: Gloria may be receiving additional fees...aren't they all...KUDO's!


That was good, but I bet you had help from the Fly on the wall in the PTSC's board room!.


over 10 years ago
Re: The BoD wants questions for annual meeting by April 15/

I also plan to do it, like the previous times.

The only good post I seen so far, is the possibility that SEC is investigating PTSC, I am hoping it is true....

Analysis of what has been going on the past 10 years that is being posted on this board is great, but useless unless it can get into the hands of someone that can bring this to light by taking action.


over 10 years ago
Re: teremoto / Re: Lincoln & Swartz, This is why we need someone to/ hiorpe

I would be willing to contribute more as well on the same basis. As it stands now, the remaining value of my investment in this once Potential ROI has been destroyed by the management and their criminal behavior.

How many times in the PAST have we seen this board suggest hiring someone, only to sit back and give the SOB's more time, things are getting better give them time.

I am sure for $30-$50K, we can attain someone to look into this, even if that person is a liaison to SEC, just sending them emails is not enough, I am sure they get thousands of emails for penny stock investors. We need a connection, we need priority and in order for someone that can do something, we need to pay the toll.

Slick DL and gang know all of the ways, cripes, there are quite of few here that I respect their knowledge of the situation, Laurie with her reseach, Banosser keeping us apprised of the Pacers, Ron, Lambert and so many others, to many to list that, I am impressed with many of you.

There is enough talent here to break away from just posting messages to action.

I wish that I could contribute besides money and bitching, I am just a techie, however it is not like I have not been looking for someone to hack some sites.


over 10 years ago
Re: teremoto / Re: Lincoln & Swartz, This is why we need someone to

look into this for us shareholders. I cannot understand why anyone on this board that has kept up with the ongoing sagga could not deduce that our BOD are just like the many other DL players. When your talking millions to be had over the lifetime of the Patents, then connecting with the likes of DL and Family after part of the pie, why would you just be satified with a paltry salary and commisions.

Common sense tells me that they are in on it from the get go, they are criminals and why would anyone here not believe that they would not be tempted, just look at what has happened in the past with corporations, from simple embezziing to insidder trading with many already making millions in compensation, it is never enough, it's called GREED!.

We need to expose this to SEC, to anyone that can take action, we can discuss this all we want here, but we need to take action and I am willing to contribute $500-$1000 towards this goal, with 50 peeps coughing up $1K we can get the ball rolling!


over 10 years ago
Re: "if Leckrone..."...Brian and all... umm, no, unfortunately, Ms Felcyn, Brian

So I ask....

How to we the shareholders voice our concerns?

Can we hire someone to speak on out behalf, the CC is aware of the snakes in this grass but they may think CF is a great representative for PTSC's shareholders and we know that is not true.

I do not believe for one minute that all three board members were ignorant of what was going on, they IMO are criminals and they are just as guilty as DL, actually they are worse since we PAID them to look out for the best interests of the company and it's ONLY asset.

So, how can we at minimum get a chance to voice our concerns of whom is representing PTSC on the CC?.



over 10 years ago
What really hurts... is the last trade I made 6 months ago, bought 100K shares.

I heard Bernie Madoff is looking for a Bunk Buddy and all I could think was that CF and CJ would be great mates for him as they gained a lot of experience giving us the shaft.

I am really BENT!


over 10 years ago
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