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in response to sunpoop's message

I have slept on it, posted a number of times on it, had my cup of morning tea, read all your posts replying to mine but still had something that stuck in the back of my mind that I left unsaid.

I am not an attorney and have almost no experience in what I was part of yesterday so I don't know what normal is: I am asking any of you "legal beagle's" out there a question. Is what I posted a normal flow of how a court hearing should go if a judge is completely fair, unbiased, has not made any part of his mind up, DOESN'T LEAN IN ANY DIRECTION and has had all the relavant material submitted by both sides, which he has digested, in front of him?????

I ask because what forcibly struck me was the questioning of Mr. Apple as opposed to Mr. Handel.

Mr. Handel was asked very few questions, mostly on clarification of what He meant on a certain aspect of his brief which he answered in a manner the judge seemed to accept.

Mr. Apple however, was asked many questions. These questions were almost all of the manner of why, any other.....etc......tell me what this.....etc....will you do this ...if....etc....in other words the judge did not act in a neutral mind (IN MY OPINION) just asking for clarification. His questions were all based on HIS DOUBTS, (IMO) ......OTHERWISE WHY WOULD HE ASK THEM??? He did not ask as many questions of Mr. Handel and not one was of the nature of "convince me" but Mr. Apple was only asked questions by the Judge all based on his desire to understand the questions (and doubts IMO) he had for them.

Mr. Apple went first and it was very obvious, at least to me, the judge's questions to him showed his leaning towards EDig's case because he kept peppering Mr. Apple with "show me", "tell me" in effect, "convince me" of your side.

I thought about it and know, if I were the judge, (not because I am an EDig shareholder) I would not be asking these kinds of questions to either party with all the briefs they submitted sitting in fron of me. Just the kinds of questions he asked showed me (IMO) where he was coming from.......but then again I don't know and need clarification from anyone that does....


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