jonthezman's Profile

jonthezman's Posts

Re: Probably has to be done every 90 days until flying.

Here is an interesting article that covers the requirements.

Many of the requirements can be met in the simulator, and the K company may be providing that support. FAA requirements are the minimum; and, as with my AF experience, companies can establish higher requirements.

We will soon be hearing "Starting number one!"

about 9 years ago
Re: Anyone seeing any -No Mini

I heard from Fingerscrossed that there is no activity around the aircraft this evening.

over 9 years ago
From Lt on I-Hang!

Posted On: 06/12/2015 12:22:12 AM


Posted By: The Lieutenant

Without giving out the date for a mini (which date I personally do not know), I will tell you this much: Baltia expects and is planning on being in Proving Flights before this month is over.

Also.....can anyone think of a way to stop the calls to the FAA from shareholders?

The calls accomplish nothing, as the FAA can't release any information, and worse........they eat up valuable time.

Time better spent on paperwork and scheduling is lost as the FAA staff have to maintain good public relations and answer the tell people pretty much nothing.

Stop calling the FAA. They can not tell you anything more than Baltia is in the third Phase of certification..............don't put the FAA's valuable and limited time to waste!

Read More:

over 9 years ago
Lt again

The Lieutenant
Sunday, 06/07/15 11:30:47 AM

Re: None

Post # of 41779

If you do nothing else, in all honesty and in my opinion, you should make it a point to read my posts.

To answer many questions directed to me on this board and in private, here goes:

Friday was not a "meeting". It was a gathering of a small group of honored people tocelebrate a life well lived. Nobody leaves this world alive, not even God. No more on that topic.

My wife and I havc collectively a hell of a lot of shares, and we are accumulating. Why? Because I have been in this investement for over 5 1/2 years and in all that time I have gathered a huge number of connections from all walks of life who filter information to me on a daily (if not an hourly) basis. I was trained during the 1st Gulf War by the best of the best. If I had stayed just a little bit longer, my alias here would have been "Captain". All battles are won not on the battle field but first back inside Headquarters with the best possible intelligence. I apply what I learned in the early 90s to my Baltia investment, and it has served me well.

I am certain that I know more about the truths and rumors of Baltia Air Lines than any one of you, and often times know more about everything related to Baltia than any one of their individual employees. My intel is that good.

Baltia Air Lines is just a few steps away from becoming America's Newest Airline.

They just have to nail down that next mini, and right now they truly are being unjustly delayed. They have been ready to go since the 3rd week in May. They even had a written confirmation of a date that was pulled with an unjustifiable and unreasonable "excuse".

Rest assured, the difficulties they have encounted recently are being delt with at the highest levels and very literally - across the globe.

I myself have things in the works on behalf of the shareholders.

That "march on Washington" is not really how it is done now-a-days, as the pen (and the internet) are mightier than the sword.

Further, if there is not a resolution to the delays by Wednesday of this week, I will return to this board and spoon feed all of you the necessary information to once again get the ball rolling.

Buy BLTA with complete confidence.

I know I am!

over 9 years ago
More LT.

The Lieutenant
Friday, 06/05/15 04:27:03 PM

Re: None

Post # of 41598

Baltia's success is a win-win-win for EVERY ONE.

Employees: More jobs, better pay.

Shareholders: Increased value to their investment.

Federal Government: More tax revenues.

The public: Better service to a much needed area of the world - Eastern Europe.

Various Vendors: Increased business resulting in more revenues and more jobs, etc.

The airport: increased activity and increased revenues for the port authority and the vendors they rent facilities to.

.......and these benefits will be felt on both sides of the Atlantic.

Win-win-win for all involved both here in America and across the atlantic in Russia.

Heck...their success might even help ease some international tensions.

Who in their right mind would not want to see Baltia succeed, when they consider so many benefits affecting so many people?

over 9 years ago
Lt. posted on I-hub

The Lieutenant
Friday, 06/05/15 12:50:18 PM

Re: None

Post # of 41550


With so many different opinions and so many different alias's, who can you trust?

This morning I met with over 2 dozen Baltia employees, their friends and family, and other investors. It was very much a personal matter, but the truth is that you can't bring that many Baltia people together in one room and not have them discuss where Baltia Air Lines is right now and where it is going.

Before we all parted, I handed Olga a 6 figure check and asked her to send me a subscription agreement when she got back to the office.


Who can you believe?

My business mentor always said, "Follow the money."

I was not the only investor there, nor was I the only one who took advantage of anopportunity to hand over a check.

Go Baltia!

over 9 years ago
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