Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)
in response to luker's message

Good aft. all,

I have to admit that I’m not even near technical enough to even attempt to turn a purchase price of NOT into a $/shear price. So if the good people of this board could, and can see where I’m heading with this, a realistic buy out end share price amount, then maybe the time it would take would be worth it?

Below are the points I took from the original news release, and thank you luker for posting it. Dec. 15, 10:19am

In my opinion this is the X2 set-up, warning us, saying “Hey, there is risk & you will not get full value or even close, as they still have risk before getting their return on taking NOT off our hands. Even the balls to say it could take them 10 yrs. Humm We know better….

Paliman picked up on it. It is the same thing their fathers did in the dirty thirties. And now they want to come in and take everything for a song, and tell us they are our saviour. lol”.

Accept, it won’t be funny for most! Especially for those NOT aware. The researchers (you know who there are, & all should be thankful we have them, NOT only for their ability to trace the story but to share it with us) on this board have laid out exactly what is happening and news like this is proof that it is methodically moving forward.

Kalisvaart previously ran Xstrata Ventures, an arm of the $6.6 billion dollar mining giant Glencore Xstrata PLC1 and before that was with the resources team at JP Morgan

So his back ground ties him to Mic Davis and friends and the newly formed X2. Don’t suppose any one happens to know in what country the X2 corporation was formed in? Prob. not too hard to find out or even guess?

“A number of new PE funds with a mining focus have recently raised capital, at a time when the traditional sources of capital have run dry,” says Kalisvaart. “This move is likely to provide a valuable life line to our industry. That said, this is intelligent, long term and highly selective capital, not all ships will rise.

Yup, Paliman points it out, “and tell us they are our saviour.” & a nice compliment for themselves, to boot! Way more intelligent than the average investor. It’s there game, they should know how to play it and its way easier when you make the rules!

“Intriguingly, at a time when the capital markets have run dry, a number of sophisticated long term institutional investors are seeking to participate in a growing recovery in the sentiment towards real assets.

Yes, markets run dry… We as the small time investor, compared to the big fund managers who are in on the big money, will vote & decide what the price for a buyout will be. So, I agree we are extremely exposed.

Mining is a long term business proposition, with discovery to first pour often taking 10 years or more, making it ideally suited to the timeframes of private equity investors.”

They know NOT will dilute to the point of worthlessness dealing with capital markets and also that the USA will go under within the next 3 to 5 or maybe 10, but I doubt it will be that long. NOT has said the project will pay for itself it 3 yrs. They want to protect their money moving into hard assets. Should have been “Rich Hard Assets” in his statement!

When the financial interests of management are not aligned with those of their shareholders it is often a recipe for value destruction.

I have asked myself this question and they are NOT! Always looking out to get a deal for themselves, nice guys finish last. You don’t have to look far to see what happened to Richard N. to know that his ideals & morals do not align with the likes the big boys, that’s why he is on the outside looking in at NOT now.

Mic Davis stated in a news release when he came out with X2 that him and his buddies, the ones that were scorn by the Glencoe/Xstrata deal, would raise 2 to 3 bill., & later report 3 to 5 bill. And look for an acquisition in the Q1 2014. Take that into a private comp. & keep it all for themselves.

He believes that many investors are looking at mining juniors whose projects have at least a pre-feasibility study, which gives a preliminary estimate of the technical requirements to producing from the deposit.

Yes, we all know the EA is coming on Dec. 20th.

Lastly, everyone having long term ‘skin in the game’ is a key driver to getting this right.

That last statement sounds an awful lot like the Ont. Gov’t. “We need to get it right”.

Pim concludes; “Private equity can be the right kind of partner; it reduces funding risks, provides crucial commercial skills, reduces management distraction on tasks that do not add value and ultimately aligns incentives.

Great ending to the interview! It leaves me feeling like, Hey, NOT/KWG may just have a merger with X2. But somehow I don’t think they are speaking to us little guys. I think that was meant for FN. The one group they have to pay, too get there Big share of the pie.

At some point NOT to long after Richard N. hit big with NOT. I think it would have been right around the time the Johnny Cash songs stopped playing, He knew that he would lose NOT & that he had to because it would be the big guys to come in & open up the new mine district. So what does he do. Moves into Bold, cuts a deal with KWG on Black Horse & goes on vacation waiting for takeover. This process is still unfolding, and the good news for us, 27 exploration comp’s with 12,850 active claims. No point in drilling now, can’t get the investment from the public sector. As they just told us. Might as well wait for infrastructure, let X2 get set up, give up NOT for the song that was spoken about, & then when it’s all set up, go drill when the public sector says, ah shoot, I should have put my money in precious & base metal assets.

There are only five players in this deal at this point, in my mind. Fed Gov’t., Prov. Gov’t, FN, NOT board & X2, and oh yeah, & NOT a sign of any other white knight to drive the price for us little guys.

So, a lot of big buy out #’s being stated on the board this past couple of weeks. Equating to large share price est. on a potential buyout deal.

The question I have is what does 3 & 5 bill. Look like as a stock price for NOT on a buyout, because that’s all we are going to get. I wish I could believe it will be the $13 that has been said, but I know it isn’t going to happen. It’s just NOT realistic. The Dots that Babjak1 have all been laid out for us are starting to be connected & honestly I’m not sure why there were so few posts on this string???

It worries me because that may mean that people believe we will get full value & are holding on with high average prices? I think the X2 master mind is give us our chance to capitalize, get our skin out of the starter, which is NOT, when they drove the price down for the 3.6 mil. Stock opt. this past couple of wks. That they just announced.

If you are NOT averaging down BIG time now you will not get your money, let alone make any money, is what I saying…

I think this news release is our warning…

Sorry for the long winded post but it seemed to jump out at me & I thought I’d get it out there to get your thought on it?

Have a great day,

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