Noront Resources's Profile

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)

Noront Resources's Q&A

Good Afternoon to you all and thank you for your participation within the AGORACOM Community.

As I am sure you are aware, a number of posts have been deleted this afternoon, in addition to some accounts being suspended. We would first like to assure everyone that the posts that were deleted, contained no material evidence. In stead their primary objective was to either demerit a fellow poster, or infuriate a group of posters.

We appreciate your discerning opinions – in fact I personally welcome that; it will only expand the breadth of information made publicly available in this community.

However we will continue to remove any posts that either express their anger at someone in uncouth ways, or any posts with a clear intention of infuriating another poster or group of posters.

This behavior is intolerable and any future posting along these lines will lead to a warning and inevitably suspension.

With regards to a recent drop of ratings, let it be known that this is not a result of either programming error or malicious activity – while there have been some (periled) attempts to manipulate our rating system, and in turn ones rank, any member who has experienced a recent drop in their rating is as a result of how your peers view your recent contributions to the community.

My suggestion would be to rethink your tone and orientation of your future posts – perhaps being more receptive to another’s opinion or approach to recent events might earn you an extra supporter or two.

We hope that our message is clear and you can direct your attention back to Noront Resources related material evidence in stead of personal banter.


Andreas Marouchos

Community Director

Noront Resources almost 15 years ago

Good Afternoon to you all.

I want to thank you again for your participation within the Noront HUB and contributing to the success of AGORACOM. We have developed a great partnership between our platform and your content.

On occasion, that partnership gets out of balance and I've had to intervene here before to make sure cooler heads prevail. To this end, thanks to all for your hundreds of messages pertaining to the issues our community is facing, and for your patience.

Upon careful consideration of the recent events unfolding on the forum, we have had a very hard time dealing with the personal issues amongst a very small group of participants within this forum. While we take pride and appreciate the unique nature of this forum, we find that what applies to 2000 other shareholder communities on AGORACOM is having a difficult time applying here.

Quite simply, the amount of personal conflict has become overwhelming. Though we are prepared for the fact that personal issues can and do break out on occasion, they are now becoming perpetual on this HUB.

It's obvious that one side cannot convince the other of their opinions, nor can we possibly mediate each personal conflict to determine who is right and wrong.What is clear, however, is that no matter what side of the equation you are on, all personal conflicts inevitably lead the forum into to an accelerating stream of emotional posts, instead of informative insights on the company's activities.

This does not suit anybody but those who wish to bring harm to the Noront HUB.

I am painfully aware of the number of times our community director - Andreas - has tried to provide assistance, as well as, the herculean but futile efforts of HUB leaders such as Hoov.Unfortunately, it appears that we simply cannot get a very small group of posters under control or to respect the majority of participants that simply want to talk about their favorite investment.


Upon consultation with Andreas, we have come to terms with the present conditions of the forum and will be implementing a zero tolerance violation policy on this forum as of 8AM Monday. When I mean zero, I mean zero. No matter how senior or highly ranked you are, any violation of the rules will be met with harsh penalties.Especially those that perpetuate the personal conflicts.

Those of you who have known me understand this has nothing to do with ego and power. It has everything to do with returning this HUB to its original purposes - the constructive discussion of Noront and industry fundamentals leading to the most informed investment decision possible.

I am asking all of you to take tomorrow and the entire weekend to step away from your screens and allow cooler heads to prevail. I kindly ask everyone to consider their fellow shareholders who flock to the board by the thousands to catch up on the company's latest developments. I strictly demand you keep any personal differences off the forum.

I will not allow this community to deteriorate into Raging Bull and Yahoo Finance. If you desire that environment, I invite you to leave. We don't flip ads and generate revenue from any kind of page views. What we strive to do is build and maintain a quality community that can not be touched by ad flipping, free wheeling sites like RB and YF.

As such, as of Monday October 26th 2009, those in violation of any of the rules below will have to deal with the following:

First Foul - Have their President/Vice President Rank removed and taken down to Mail Room

Second Foul - Termination

As of Monday October 26th 2009, 8:00 AM EST, we will have a zero tolerance policy towards:

Bickering, Profanity, Name Calling, Accusations, Repetition, Posting any statements or issues that cannot be substantiated in any factual or tangible means and Off Topic personal messages on the Main Discussion board.

I think we have made it clear that our goal isn't to punish anyone, or to delete a poster who has legitimate views and opinions on the forum. Unfortunately our lenience has been distorted and our format, which works so well on 2000 other Shareholder Communities, is no longer working here.

We hope you can all use this weekend to gather your thoughts, relax, and consider how your behavior is affecting your fellow community members. We are all a team. We are all a family, even if we don't always see eye to eye. However, in order to get this family back on track, we have to get rid of the selfish players. We won't let a minority of posters who refuse to let go of their personal issues spoil it for the rest of us.

Have a great weekend and see you on Monday. Make sure to bring your best side.


Noront Resources almost 15 years ago
Noront Resources
326,029,076 As of Jan 17, 2017
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