Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)
over 13 years ago
in response to From_Sudbury's message

this is hands down the most rediculous post. In private messages you sent me i managed to prove you clearly have no knowledge of the exploration business.But i agree with everyone else if you hate Noront so much why are you still invested. It seems rather dumb to invest in a company you hate so much and so adamantly believe is up to no good. But to tackle what youve said again.

1. the stock is trending down because of the area in general. Alot of people have lost interest look at any other companies in the ring other companies that are doing well have done alright because of properties outside the ring and that simply because they have found nothing in the ring Noront cannot just give up on the ring because of the share price because we actually have a deposit that is borderline economic.

2. the pp at 1.25 was because of the shareprice and regardless of the price we need money to explore up in the ring it is incredibly expensive and with such a high burn rate we need all the pp we can get.

3. the ceo is allowed to sell his shares he is a person with rights and has a family and if he needs money for whatever reason he can sell his stock it has nothing to do with insider activity. Wes has money in Noront which he put there for when he needed it and if he needs it he should take it regardless of share price.

4. the windfall property is not the best and we still have an interest in it however now we dont have to spend any money on it. and if you look at eagle hill stock windfall has not brought them a world of riches either so again i have to mention if it does nothing for eagle hill why would it help noront.

5. we have had tons of difficulty with deep drilling and with a finite amount of money why not spend money more wisely on a bunch of targets. One deep hole is potentially 3 or 4 shallow holes that can test more areas. Also we know that eagles nest goes deeper why drill it and potentialy close it off at depth leave it open and let imaginations soar.

6. Noront is not the only team to revisit an older target we have some sort of new understanding so lets test it. FNX has made a fortune revisiting sites in the sudbury basin and everyday new discoveries are made revisiting sites a great example of this is the podolsky mine.

7. i think this is a good thing to mention we tried at first and now have new techniques that provides better info so we can retarget. seems like a great idea to me and as someone in industry i can appreciate the value in this.

8. the swap in land is strategic it helps spread exploration dollars over claims and keep them current also if you look at other ni-cu-pge systems you usually find more close to deposits so even if we find something low grade it is accessible via any eagles nest infrastructure.

9. with regards to the jjj there are plans and we have drilled AT4 targets are in essence jjj holes. (do your homework)

10. again i dont know why u include this in your negative rant this is a good thing they found potential and are refocusing some attention to it.

11. yes the area is remote and its important to mention it but we have a known asset there if we do all the work we can make it profitable do you suggest we just leave eagles nest and start grassroots again because as anyone in industry will tell you that is the worst idea ever.

12. Noront has done tons with the first nations we have a signed MOU and have built great partnerships and are helping the communities with all the involvement we have. Talk to anyone in the first nations communities and they will tell you how good the relations are.

no clue why you post because this negativity most of the stuff you mention is clearly driven by emotion and not fact. As a fellow shareholder i can understand your frustration with the shareprice but again u need to do your homework.

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