Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)
in response to Sudbury Novice's message

"Unfortunately this opportunity is being squandered."

Well firstly that would be your opinion based on.....

"1. The personal bantering and attacking that takes place on this discussion forum...reminds me of stockhouse."

So we should have more monitoring right?

"2. The so called HUB leaders that let this title go to their heads and decide to flag posts and remove people based on their own egos and perceived power. This monitoring is often not because there is a violation of any rules but because they disagree with the post."

So we shouldn't have more monitoring right? Of course they disagree with the posts...because they violate. Egos and perceived power? Ever flag a post? Ooooooo what a feeling of power. Sorry for the sarcasm. There is very very very little removal or flagging of posts relative to what there should be...and for reason 1 as you post, not nearly enough. If I had the ability to remove any post I chose, this board would be squeaky clean. All opinions welcomed if they carry a tone of respect.

"Have you not noticed the steady decline in the amount of posts there are on all hubs?"

It's called growing up and fatigue. Growing up because the rose has fallen off the bloom and fatigue because too many became addicted to this activity and like all addictions they end in a crash.

"People who get flagged or removed because someone else doesn't like to hear what they have to say simply stop reading agoracom."

Can't say that it doesn't happen entirely, but one shouldn't be hear if they can't take the heat. This is a good place to learn about human nature if one wasn't already familiar with it. Learning to leave is equally valid. If it doesn't fulfill your needs then why be here.

"Personally I stoped reading every post, as I once did, long ago. No one should have the time or interest to read about personal assaults and bickering....this is a site for DD. Now I read the top rated posts and favourite posters only and sometimes not even that."

Interesting, the last time I read the top posts they were the ones that received high ratings for ....bickering.... not the ones a newbie should really be reading.

"Tell me someting relative, important and/or new and you will get my attention."

When it happens we'll let you know. Otherwise no point in posting except on the O.T. right?

"I suggest that many people share this sentiment and my disapointment."

I think you're actually right here. Too's counterproductive and just adds to the negativity. How about posting on how it can be made better.

"As for from_sudbuys post, it is his opinion and observation. We may or may not agree but it is not a violation of any rules. It clearly provides food for thought."

I would agree with that. Problem is that his food is usually of one kind, not a balance diet. Not good for him...not good for anyone.

"If people are successful in having this post removed it would leave the poster (and many others, myself included) wondering about the value and need for Agoracom to exist."

That's your perogative. Now tell us why that should concern us.

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