Sum4All's Profile

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Re: Monday's event..Hmmmmmm

Well said M.D.

Very thoughtful.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Monday's event..Hmmmmmm

"I'll take the 27 trillion dollars Blackrock has to jump start our economy."

Here's what governments and investors don't get, largely because all they think about is short term profit. Jump starting an economy is a quick fix and doesn't last. Real economy is based on real needs, not helicopter money or infrastructure funding. Real economy is organic and complex, consisting of symbiotic needs creating a chain of give and take, sell and buy which is sustainable. If you build a bridge or a pipe line, it has to be paid for in a way that creates balance, not prosperity in one sector and poverty in another. The cobbler trades his shoes for the meat he receives from the hunter. They satisfy the other's "economic needs", they are in balance. The hunter will always need shoes and the cobbler will always need food. Governments are unfortunate planners and governors. They are why we are where we are. They have made poor parents for their children.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Monday's event..Hmmmmmm

As we run with open arms to invite foreign interests to "invest" in Canada, I see a little of the necessary common sense, needed to protect our own interests, potentially disappearing in the desperation to grab investment dollars. Canada has long been a source of cheap raw materials never rising to it's own potential to be more. It was easy and lazy and our talent went other places. Here we are again....I wonder if we'll do better this time. Short term gain... long term pain?

almost 8 years ago
Re: Buy Hold or Sell at .25

"If you had the cash to buy more stock, how many of you would buy more stock or would you rather hold onto cash."

Seems you might already be aware of recommendations to stay in cash given up and coming market events as in 2008 part II ....coming to us in 2017.

almost 8 years ago
I suspect...

...that our fearless leaders are a little frightened and would like to see if there will be any entities to lend them money if the world economies are going to get rocked ....before they commit to funds they really don't and won't have. It the USD tanks, one must consider that Canada has sold all of it's gold and holds a basket of currencies in place of it.....most of it USD. How's that for planning? Better purchase some doubloons kiddies. Sorry, but more misery is to come before things get better.

almost 8 years ago
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