Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to ronran's message

Ron, as always has given all of us his very professional and well thought out rationale on yet another subject..... Press Release. (Imagine what the charges would be if he charged those who are on Agora or who PM him his going legal rate?)

I would like to take a road less traveled on this board. Im my mind the letters pr not only stand for press release but also stand for public relations especially in the case of ptsc. Im my mind ptsc has way to little of either.

A pr, (in whatever context you want to take it) is the means that a company communicates with it's owners, potential owners, customers, potential customers.... in other words the world. Without a pr (in whatever context etc etc....) the only way the aforementioned addresses/entities would hear about a company such as ptsc is by a news report and if it is not initiated in someways by the company then such a pt usually means bad news such as scandal, embezzlement, fraud etc etc...

To bring it down to a more "basic" level, during this past Christmas season I and I am sure many others received a number of "pr" releases from friends and acquaintances discussing what occurred in their families during the previous year. Yes, it is only once a year but they almost always describe the good (Johnny got a scholarship to play football for the AF Academy), the great (Sally is getting married), the sad, (Great Aunt Gertrude passed on at the age of 105, may she rest in peace), the tragic, (this will be our last family Christmas letter as we are getting a divorce). Whatever is in the message it brings the folks who are close, acquainted, related etc up to date and makes them feel like they are part of the family.

Often it makes these people want to call or write and get in touch and be closer to the sender of the letters.

How does that relates to a company such as PTSC as well as all other companies?

A corporate PR (in whatever context etc etc etc) it would seem to me is the methodology used by all companies (successful or not) to stay in touch with it's base. Without a regular pr, which in my mind regular update every six weeks or so (without important news, with much more often obviously such as a completed MH) the company or corporate entity is out of sight and out of sight is out of mind which is a death knell for owners of a publicly traded company.

What can be in such a pt that is not specific to a great news update..... anything that would show the owners that the doors are still open and business is still being done. For instance I am sure that since we last heard of the most recent news of where our corp hdqrs were moved to I would bet that we have renewed or moved again (news of moving or renewal and terms is a pr event), hiring or firing of employees (maybe for ptsc it is not earth shattering news but it keeps our name out there that we hired a new receptionist and to make it a bit more glamorous call her/him our new investors relations contact, Associations Cliff has joined, (with all his time he should be a member of several tech or patent associations, awards that our corporate attorney has won or better yet to give us hope a major patent case he or his firm has won.... I could go on but I think I am getting my idea across.

If you want to attract or keep owners (shareholders to a public company then imo a public company has to make itself "PUBLIC". The secrecy that surrounds ptsc ever since our master agreement with those champions of the first amendment (by which is refer to the Leckrones) we have acted more like a private company which TPL is and which ptsc is not.

These are my opinions regarding PR's (in whatever context you take those two letters). I apologize for the length of this post but it is one of those things that bothers me about ptsc.... the lack of openness and transparency that should is needed for a public company to assist in having itself known in the market place. In my opinion our Board members and the Leckys and Swartz do not want more publicity as then it is possible that their slight of hand maneuverings might attract attention from institutions (public and private) that might cause them more problems then they could legitimately handle.

In closing I am sorry for not having wished Happy New Year to the members of this Board but better late then never.

God Bless


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