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optymystic's Posts

Re: Snippet ( 6) - Inter Parte Review - Patent owner response-DONI

Interesting that 12/680492 required that claims be withdrawn and new claims written. Most of new claims were directed to invention not tied to specification and hence cancelled by examiner and remaining claims were found to be anticipated.

So, in the case of Miluzzo, USPTO is using prior art that was unable to be patented and was anticipated itself. How valid can any of Miluzzo's teachings be?


over 8 years ago
Re: Snippet ( 6) - Inter Parte Review - Patent owner response-DONI

The attempt at filing a patent is 12/680492 received final rejection and was abandoned. Would you not be able to call into question any of the claims set forth in the provisional?


over 8 years ago
Re: Snippet ( 6) - Inter Parte Review - Patent owner response-DONI

Is it one year and one day or one year and two days? One year from 9/28/2007 would be to 9/27/2008. The filing date of 9/29/2008 would be one year and 2 days, I believe.


over 8 years ago
Re: opty... Rick

<Strict rule enforcement will not IMO make this a better forum.>

I agree. Strict enforcement would not make this a better forum. But fair and even-handed enforcement would. Well, IMO anyway.


over 10 years ago
Re: opty...

< I've said many times that I wish the entire system would be scrapped, because it just leads to conflict.

<Personally, I tend to use it for extreme behavior,>

Just like beauty, extreme behavior is perhaps in the eye of the accuser. When you consider the above two sentances, you confirm exactly what I said. YOU indeed use it selectively when YOU see behavior YOU dislike. The fact that the member might belong to some group that YOU obviously hate, is just besides the point, I'm sure.

The fact that YOU see a group of PTSC investors as the enemy, when all they are looking to do is benefit financially from their investment and have never done anything to lessen that possibility, perhaps speeks volumes. It certainly makes no sense to me.

It is not up to me to make the PTSC board fair. That is the HLs job. It matters very little what I do.


over 10 years ago
Re: leopard...

I would agree that keeping posts about PTSC would help but until the 6 rules of use are enforced and enforced fairly, there will continue to be disgruntled members. And rightly so, IMO. Rule number 5 (copied and pasted below exactly as it exists) has never been enforced. And, IMO, the other rules are enforced selectively. I have no idea why it is so, but it certainly makes people wonder.

5. BASHING OR HYPING - Unsubstantiated claims of grandeur or impending doom are best left to Nostradamus as they will cost you some valuable points towards your rating. Also included in this category is repetition of the same question, fact or opinion over and over after a response has been provided or if there is currently no ascertainable answer.


over 10 years ago
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