Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to ronran's message

1) I don't recall the shareholders asking for dividends prior to the time that the Company announced the first one. In other words, it was originally the Company's idea to pay dividends, which some shareholders supported and others didn't.

There were discussion because of a certain post that a friend posted and it went somewhat like this: "Rather than pay tax on all the income, the company should pay the shareholders dividends" When I read that post I emailed PTSC and told them that it was a good idea, consequently they approved dividends.

Unfortunately Agora erased all the former information that was on file and started this forum fresh and new some time ago.

2) As to "experts to run PTSC", I don't recall a hue and cry among the shareholders on this point --- but even if there was, would anyone have wanted more non-experts running the Company? I thought the main point of having a CEO, for any company, is to engage someone with business expertise suitable to the position. And it certainly wasn't the shareholders who selected those CEOs for PTSC, though lots of folks tried to be generally supportive during the initial phases of each's tenure.

I agree, we must have experts to run a company with such huge potential, but I have to be the Devils Advocate here, because many continuously harp on the BOD’s failures just think of this:

What would you do all of the sudden you own a company with technologies and even business language that you do not understand? Look for help….right? So the BOD set out just to do that unfortunately they may have looked for advice in the wrong places, for example hiring that person that is a member of Agoracom, he may or may not have “sold” them on the idea that “I can make your company SP soar beyond belief (just thinking out loud, I am not sure if this kind of conversation ever transpired, but I would think so) so the BOD Hired this person, for two or three years, and hired some CEO’s while under his tenure. SO IMHO this person may or may not have had influence on the BOD’s decisions.

And what get me most irate is that people constantly criticize the BOD’s shortcoming and blame them for the failures especially when some of the blame is on the forum members.

The BOD tried to follow advice, made wrong decisions, but I am sure they learned from them hence came the middle finger gesture to the forums. I believe that the BOD has made many new contacts, and many more to come that will point them in the right direction. I personally would like to see a detailed business plan on how they intend to keep the company growing.

3) Similarly, I don't require any outcry from the shareholders about acquisitions prior to the time David Pohl announced that this was a route the Company intended to take. Back at that time, the Company, at least outwardly, expected to have lots of cash coming in, and it certainly didn't have any demonstrably "hot" products that were going to generate MMP-level revenues. So, the choice was either buybacks, dividends, acquisitions, or some combination of both --- not rocket science in terms of the universe of available options, and certainly not something that the Company "bowed" to in terms of "demands" from the shareholders.

Again you are correct, its not rocket science, but you cant be so harsh on the BOD for Trying, and many here go way out of their way to discredit the BOD, which IMHO is why the Forums have been “flipped off”.

Now Ron, if anyone has been conservative (perhaps a bit overly) is you, you do not deserve the middle finger gesture, but for the Market Manipulators out there is what most likely the BOD happened to be disgusted with.

And I am with you , I hope that they can bring Shareholder value, there are a lot of good people in this stock, many, many True Longs that deserve their share of win fall for their “patience”.

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