Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
over 13 years ago
in response to toxic waste's message

I think Goerner's improved communication strategy actually DID help the PPS a little, but my point isn't that you can improve only communications, and expect a surge in the PPS.

Essentially, you're saying we need to take a wait and see attitude as to what happens with the different litigation processes, and the MMP, (which could still take a year or more), and hope for the best. and that's all that we should expect.

I don't believe in giving them a free pass to only do the best they can with the litigation with TPL & the litigation with the T3, etc. They're the managers and directors of the company. They are scratching tooth and nail to keep those positions and the gluttonous compensation that go with them. They need to perform on ALL fronts. Otherwise, what's the point of having them there?

What happens if we lose the case against TPL? If nothing changes for the better through that, or if even worse, TPL justifies a bigger cut of the licensing? Everyone seems to treat it as a foregone conclusion that it's only a matter of time until the TPL mess is cleaned up in our favor. THis case won't be decided on "justice", it will be decided on the law, and I don't doubt that Leckrone has the contractual legal edge. I only hope that his arrogance allowed him to think he was above the law, and that we have goods on him in that regard, because the fact is, our guys are the ones that helped forge and consumate the agreement, so it's difficult to argue we didn't get what we expected so we need to change the agreement now.

We should have a plan b and a plan c. I'm not comfortable with only a plan a, as I can see the $21M finding it's way into the insiders' and their interests pockets, and shareholders being left in the cold.

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