Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to Alton's message

Not to get into a back and forth with you on this, but my point was not to put out PRs as you suggest. My point is to provide a consistent, sensible, and credible communications strategy. PTSC says one thing from one side of its mouth and another from the other. It presents info on its first public face (its website) that is either wholly inaccurate or at best, outdated, and has been contradicted by other info in other areas of their website, or through their SEC filings.

Additionally, PTSC has (or at least had as of Nov 2010) over $21M in assets, $10M of it in cash. To say they can do NOTHING, simply because of the MMP status/efforts/agreements, is to disregard the true responsiblities of Directors and Management. It is true, as you say, the market has made its judgement on PTSC, but I think that judgement is largely a result of the lack of direction, competence, and absence of leadership, not due to PTSC's potential revenues from MMP, or its relatively sizeable (as compared to some other bulletin board stocks hat is) bank account and balance sheet.

Heck, if you feel $21M in assets, and the apparent ability to get additional license revenues on top of the $300M plus already received as represented by the $7M they mentioned in the last 10q is not a foundation upon which COMPETENT leadership could build, then I guess we do disagree. Certainly at the least though, this BOD or any other SHOULD be doing those things I stated simply because that's what competent leaders do. I doubt we disagree there.

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