MagnusBuchs's Profile

II was born, a white boy, to a black sharecropper in Mexico, Missouri in 1960. Segregation still ruled there in the mid-60's. so, I grew up somewhat confused as to my place in the world. I figured I'd become a priest. Even took 4 years of Latin, in preparation for the seminary. Then I discovered chicks and beer. Now I live in the shadows of Hades. I graduated high school, enlisted into the military where I spent 9 years. I married my high school sweetheart 33 years ago, and have two great kids..a son and daughter, with the sweetest two granddaughters in the world. Continuing a formal education in microbiology, as time will allow, studying little bugs under magnification and identifying them by means of staining and their metabolic characteristics. Favorite foods: Chili, beans (in general) cabbage, apples and kim-chee. AND BEER !!!

MagnusBuchs's Posts

congratulations !!

Good win !!

almost 11 years ago
Re: obama about patents? "You didn't build that"

We have the inventor and originator of the patent in our group.

I don't think we have to worry about that.

over 11 years ago
Re: Haven't seen any mention of SEP or FRAND in our litigation

"You can almost see it in our revenue, though."

The FRAND....that is.

Assuming we are getting fair market.....and not just nuisance fees.

My apologies for not finishing the thought.

over 11 years ago
Re: Haven't seen any mention of SEP or FRAND in our litigation

You can almost see it in our revenue, though.

over 11 years ago
Re: Apologies to eh....

".BTW,my history precedes 99% of all posters here .....Been in this before you would believe."

And I can't believe you're still sending me jokes. After all these years, Ol' Timer !!!

This speculation has taken nearly 20 years, for me. Or, should I say from me ?

20 years long on a penny stock. .

Ahhhh ! Good times !!

over 11 years ago
Re: ptsc pps - what should the company do NOW?

"Royalties die at the end of the patent."

Ooooh. Are you sure about that ?

Then by all means.....go for blood.

over 11 years ago
River City, Iowa
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