Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
over 13 years ago
in response to optymystic's message

We have progessed far from where we were and have greatly improved financial prospects going forward.

I agree with the first clause of the above statement, but as to the latter, this remains to be seen. The Street has told us that generation of $270+ million in licensing agreements from the MMP is viewed negatively in terms of PTSC's share price, and the Company has worked itself into a position where, as you correctly observe, there are no other sources of significant revenue at present.

As I have said on other occasions, it appears clear that new investors aren't going to be impressed with licensings and/or settlements that are relatively nuisance value (by recollection, the average of the ones to date is around $4 million). Assuming that is accurate, then the only way to impress the investor community is either with a gigantic individual deal that would create a "spark" in interest, or a series of at least higher deals at much greater frequency --- unfortunately, PTSC has no control over that, and whether greater control or influence is obtained from the current litigation with TPL again falls into the category of remaining to be seen.

I suppose one could also posit another scenario in which lesser, though more frequent revenues could be used to branch out into other ventures. Unfortunately, our current management has botched such efforts so badly in the past that trusting them to do so in the future would likely be foolish --- and, of course, Ms. Felcyn has already told us that this is not the plan.

I'd like to able to look forward on more positive basis, but reality keeps intervening. With the same individuals in place to make the decisions, history continues to be relevant, and it ain't very pretty.

As always, of course, we shall see. Best wishes to you and all.

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