Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
over 13 years ago
in response to greeneyes111's message

Do you believe constant bashing and/or negative posting do not harm a stock's SP?

I would provide you with a short answer, but I wouldn't want anyone to take it out of context. So, here's my explanation.

First of all, telling the truth, stating facts, and providing opinions based on education and/or experience within a relevant field of knowledge, is never "bashing". Whether such might be considered "negative" is irrelevant.

Second, no amount of "positive" or "negative" talk on message boards affects the price of a stock over the long term. The stock price over the long term is solely a function of a company's ability to create shareholder value through generating revenues and profits to the extent that investors have a desire to purchase the stock.

Having said the above, might people be affected on a very short term basis by something said on message boards? Sure, that 's why "boiler rooms" are sometimes successful in creating a "blip" upward or downward until whatever "story" they are telling evaoprates. That simply has nothing to do with a company such as PTSC, the fundamentals of which have severely eroded over the last four years. Similarly, it has nothing to do with EDIG, the message board for which is incessantly "positive" but which has had no effect on raising the stock price over the last several years for virtually the same reason (i.e., a lack of fundamentals that would create an interest in buying the stock).

"Stories" about stocks, whether they be "positive" or "negative", "hyping" or "bashing", are just sneezes in a storm. Generally speaking, if a company is producing ever higher revenues and profits, its stock will do well, and no amount of "bashing" alone will affect its stock over the long haul. Conversely, if a company continues to experience declining and/or inconsistent revenues and profits, no amount of "positive" comments alone will lift the share price --- as with EDIG.

Playing the game of "bashers" and "hypsters" is ludicrous IMO, and does nothing more than turn attention away from the responsiblity of a company to live up to its obligation to its shareholders and to be vigilant in attracting new investors. You are certainly entitled to your opinion should it be the contrary, but mine will not change.

Best wishes to you and all.

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