Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
over 13 years ago

Despite the constant attempts to pin the pps performance on outside factors, or better yet and laughably to message board posting, the REALITY is and continues to be that the results of the pps performance lie in the FINANCIAL performance of the company and the failures of the BOD and Management team to properly manage the relatively PLENTIFUL resources that the MMP has provided. To suggest otherwise is pure folly, IMO.

That being said, even with these foibles, there is MUCH that the BOD and Management (one in the same nowadays) CAN do to increase the PPS and attract NEW investors. Shareholders ought to DEMAND that they do so, ESPECIALLY in the context of the over Half Million dollars those three people generously grant themselves each year.

  • DEVELOP A BUSINESS PLAN! We've heard everything from M&A to No M&A to Building PDSG, to divesting of PDSG, to partnering PDSG, to acquiring NEW IP, to lowering BOD pay, to attracting new BOD members, to skinnying up the BOD/Management to reduce expenses, to ??????, so on and so on, blah blah blah. To date, the only business plan we can be sure of is continued strapping on of the feed bag by Carlton Johnson, Gloria Felcyn, and Cliff Flowers, despite depleted resources and mounting PTSC legal bills due to Crossflo legal action, TPL legal action, ARS recovery, TPL loan recovery, not to mention supposed consulting work by Greg Baroni, etc. etc. We hear PTSC appreciates the fine work of Alliacense out of one side of their mouth, while they accuse them of fraud out of the other side of their mouth. We hear the company is undervalued due to the market's refusal to recognize the value of the MMP, YET the very BOD members who say such things buy no company shares. Either THIS (what we see over the last 5 years) IS THEIR BUSINESS PLAN, or they have no ability to develop one or to execute on one. Neither is ACCEPTABLE or at least should be to shareholders.
  • CLEAN UP THE COMMUNICATION STREAM! REPAIR the content of the website for starters! It's filled with inaccuracies, contradictions, misinformation, etc. It appears as though they do not review the website nor do they consider it a tool for communication, though they claim to be an innovator in today's techcentric world. They even tell us on their main webpage that it's a "Connected World", yet provide as much oversight of their public face as they apparently did to TPL's manipulations of the MMP licensing efforts. How can anyone expect the stewards of THAT, to provide "Secured Data Sharing Solutions" that work? They need to figure out WHAT their message is, produce a coherent, consistent, and supportable verbalization of that message, accenting the positives, and realisticall explain the strategy for overcoming the negatives, and COMMUNICATE it through as many avenues as possible, but do so CONSISTENTLY!!
  • ALIGN THE BOD AND MANAGEMENT WITH ALL SHAREHOLDERS, not selected few! That starts with recognizing the horrendous perception created by 3 people who are primarily responsible for much of what has happened to PTSC over the last 6 years yet continuing to wield unchallenged power and taking over $500K per year from the company's dwindling resources, and CORRECTING that. Lower salaries and board fees! At the least, COMMIT and EXECUTE on dedicating a lot of that money to buying shares in the company they have run through the demolition derby. Communicate professionally, and ACCOUNTABLY to shareholders, rather than mocking and hiding from them through virtual shareholder meetings, snide remarks about shareholders not selling shares (especially when your JOB is to INCREASE shareholder value! simply AMAZING!!!), challenging any change to their power, and hiding behind flawed agreements they in part created.
  • FACE FACTS AND FIND QUALIFIED, ENERGETIC, MOTIVATED AND DEDICATED REPLACEMENTS! There's no arguing that this BOD is a major weight dragging down the PPS. License revenues don't create sustained share price increases, court settlements don't, resolutions with partners don't, many "positive" developments don't! WHY?! Because even though the company has had plenty in the past and had $10M in cash and $21M in total assets as of last 10Q (numbers that many penny stock companies would kill for) there is no confidence that this group can do anything with that money other than squander it as they have in the past. If their argument is that they NEED to stay because of their history with TPL etc., then drop their fees to zero, find replacements that they can cede the power and company direction to, and stay on as advisors that are compensated in shares of the company. Their value will be proven by their success, which in turn will reward them handsomely through the share appreciation! If they TRULY want to create value for shareholders, then there are MANY ways they can remove themselves from being the obstacles they CLEARLY are, while still being the "resource" they say the company needs. The fact that they can't find a creative way to accomplish this just REINFORCES their limited skills, vision, and ability to direct, or it betrays their REAL motives.
  • Bottom line is absent these constructive steps, they are treating PTSC as a crap shoot lottery ticket for themselves and for us, albeit for themselves they continue to spiff DIVIDENDS annually that we miss out on. They don't seem to recognize their weaknesses, the standard demands that the market has, nor their practical, if not technically legal, obligations to shareholders. Until they take steps to correct that, PTSC will languish and fortunes will be tied to what results a private, allegedly ethically questionable, and clearly self interested partner can provide, and even then, the results are fleeting with respect to pps effect.
  • '584 - RECERTIFIED
  • '336 - RECERTIFIED
  • EP '730 - CONFIRMED
  • J3 - SETTLED

Still PTSC at 12 cents. What's the next dashed hope? BOD, ACT CONSTRUCTIVELY.


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