Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
about 14 years ago
in response to milestone's message

"As I have already pointed out, the problem is NOT the agreement but the alleged failure to comply with it on the part of TPL/Alliacense."

No, the problem is in PTSC's acceptance of clauses that put PTSC at a disadvantage, and the lack of proper oversight of the activities of Alliacense with respect to the MMP licensing effort as acknowledged by the motions that have been put forth by the company in an effort to CHANGE the agreement.

"It is the very same "Master Agreement" that so many have been incessantly moaning about that has brought TPL/Alliacense to book."

This comment is so hilarious and ingenuous that it shouldn't even merit a reply. HOWEVER, I'll provide one. What you state is akin to someone stating it's the very same SEC that so many have been incessantly moaning about that has brought Bernie Madoff to book. Well just as in that case, despite repeated warnings to the SEC that were dismissed, and only after BILLIONS (luckily with PTSC we're only talking millions - or are we?! - hard to say based on the early PR's re patents on water, etc.) were lost and people were completely hosed and lost everything, did the SEC act. I "humbly suggest" that you wake up and smell the sour milk our BOD has FINALLY decided to deal with. Can they make cheese out of it?

"What do you think the declaratory relief that PTSC is seeking is all about, dotting an "i", perhaps?"

Considering you were the champion of the "just wait until the '336 is recertified, that's the WHOLE problem" crusade, PTSC and TPL should have hit the ground RUNNING last month and should have had the dominoes falling with license deal after license deal right now. Instead, the i's they're dotting are in the word "brief" and "legal filing". Unfortunately, those are mostly against each other, rather than our income sources, the infringers.

Keep carrying the water for this BOD as you have. In your annonimity, you have little to worry about, however, realize that many retirees, elderly folks, novice investors, and others (rightly or wrongly) may base their decisions wholly or in part on what you write. While I know that doesn't mean anything to you, it should as it should to those you defend so vigorously. History shows you're off the mark on most of what you opine about, and intuition says you realize it despite your writing to the contary.

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