Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to biajj's message

The claims are so bold and square cut, that PTSC either believes they can present the gun and the bullet that made the smoke, or TPL is attempting to convince PTSC they have enough signed documents, evidence and unimpeachable witnesses ready to testify, exonerate, and support a countersuit against us

On the information available, and the fact that TPL/Alliacense have not filed a countersuit even after FOUR months have elapsed, what is the probability of that scenario being anything but "hypothetical"?

And what would you suggest might be the basis of any countersuit, PTSC's adherence to the terms of the "Master Agreement", perhaps?

In response to your "when" , imagine the following scenario:

2006: Call to Contract Attorney(CA) by Johnson(CJ)

CA How may I help you?

CJ There are suspicions that things may not be as they should.

CA Anything else?


CA OK, call me back next year.

2007: Call to Contract Attorney

CA Hello again, any updates?

CJ Yes, some shareholders are now voicing their suspicions.

CA Anything else?


CA OK, call me back next year.

2008: Call to Contract Attorney

CA Hi, I was expecting your call. Anything to report?

CJ Well, we are even more suspicious, and some shareholders are revolting!

CA Anything else?

CJ Yes, there is. Some are going as far as expressing their dislike of the principals.

CA Hmmm, OK, call me back next year.

2009: Call to Contract Attorney

CA Whoa, slow down! You got what?

CJ An expostion from a co-inventor's blog...

CA And....?

CJ Unrelated licenses being signed contemporaneously

CA Now this is much better, let's meet and confer.

The rest, as it is said, is history, and brings us to the present.

Had any costly action been commenced based solely on suspicion, that would be exemplary of failure in their Fiduciary Duty, not some wild goose chase to placate irate shareholders, in my very humble opinion.

Obviously, if you have any substantive details to the contrary, I'm sure that you will be more than willing to share them, if only to lend credence to the outright speculation.




Be well

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