Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

...these developments should make for one heckuva shareholder meeting --- assuming they decide not to cancel it, of course.

Will the mere 37 (give or take, by my recollection) shareholders that attended the last meeting now be deemed "too many" in light of current events? If so, perhaps Chicago wasn't far enough away. If they move it to January again, and use northernmost Minnesota (saving the North Slope in Alaska for next year, perhaps --- ya gotta think ahead in this business!!!), the number will likely dwindle yet again. :):)

And whenever/wherever the meeting is held, will father and/or son Leckrone be present again, and will the BoD defer to Dan for part of the Q & A session? Will Dan again sing the praises of the BoD, or will this little "lawsuit blowup thingy" stand in the way? Unless there is a wonderful resolution between now and then, I'm betting "no" on the first question, thus making the second one moot.

On a more serious note, while the PRs today likely won't bode well for the very near term, be honest --- is the info really anything we didn't already know? It's been painfully obvious since the Sony deal that the Leckrones have been the foxes in the henhouse, and that PTSC hasn't known how to handle the situation. Nothing new there.

Okay, so PTSC is a "day late and a dollar short" (or, more accurately, several years late and several scores of millions of dollars short), but what the heck? What choice do they have if they want to maintain even a minsicule amount of integrity? Even losing the current battle (and I don't think we will), as long as it's done with the best and most aggressive effort possible, would be better than the torturous, monotonous "dead zone" of the last several years.

FWIW, I say pull out all the stops and give no quarter. It is time to put Leckrone in his place, which is at the bottom of the heap, and time for PTSC to either rise to the task or die trying. If Charlie Hoge and his firm can get the job done, let them have at it --- if they falter, fire them and hire others. Whatever it takes, just do it.

Frankly, I have virtually zero confidence in our BoD, but at least they have the incentive, albeit as a result of their own abysmal past failures, that arises from "nowhere to go but up" (unless it's into oblivion). Let's hope that, this time, they can somehow find a way to rise above their own poor performance of the past and actually get this one right.

Best wishes to all.

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