grampy12's Profile

grampy12's Posts

Re: Chuck Moore's blog updated

This guy deserves to get paid. Glad for him. Glad I've held my shares and bought every now and again just on the chance that this would all work out. I know there are still challenges and hurdles ahead, but DAMN - Its been a long time since I looked forward to checking PTSC in the AM!!!!!

almost 11 years ago
Re: How close did we come?

When I look at an 11 cent share price, I wonder what you mean by "actual meltdown"

I have equally high hopes as the next guy, but for my dollar they (BOD, TPL, Schwartz, and the swarms of hyped and forgotten actors who have traipsed across the PTSC stage since I first bought years ago) have pretty much achieved at least a 90% meltdown. I hold the shares I do simply because there is not much more pain that they can introduce to my bottom line and there is the possibility that if they do a good job and pull off a win and don't screw up on some technicality signing the paperwork, I will benefit in a small way.

I'd like a melt-up for a change.

over 11 years ago
Re: FYI - I just read this on CNN...

Remarkable timing that Pres-O announces this new focus as potentially the most impactful IP case in world history is nearing conclusion. I wonder which / how many of the companies involved in this suit are pounding the phones to their senator / WH aide of choice right now...

over 11 years ago
Re: FYI - I just read this on CNN...

Is Chuck Moore on the TPL / PTSC team? It would appear to help if original creators are beneficiaries of suits. However, I expect the big companies would love to get this tied up in Congress where their dollars do the most productive work. Graft, corruption, theft all becomes legal when the government gets involved!

over 11 years ago
Re: 8K filings - May 2013

wouldn't that be nice. not likely.

over 11 years ago
Re: Logic would dictate...

By the way, I fail to mention that I have been in this thing for a LONG time - somewhere back 1997. I fundamentally believe that this could be a story of a lifetime. I just cannot understand the lack of any commitment by the board, any concerted marketing, the lack of insider buying of the stock when so cheap when the potential can be so high. I do not know if I would sell at 50. I watched it ride all the way up to 1.69 a few years back. Bought more as it dipped back to a buck. Haven't sold any since I've always felt that "owning" this technology could bring street level visibility, share prices above $10, and a pleased wife - who up to this point has been forgiving and forgetting of my investments here. So, I want to share your optimism.

I don't need the money (yet) that I've put into PTSC which is why I've just continued to hold. However, I am fifteen years closer to needing it than I was before. Maybe my kids can move in with Gloria if I finally do need it and nothing more has panned out!! I feel kind of bad for Wolf, though he is beyond all of these concerns now.

over 11 years ago
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