Patriot Scientific

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over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
in response to ronran's message

"I also hold in zero esteem the conduct of those who lie and deceive, and who make personal attacks on other shareholders."

ron, acknowledging that I'm taking one sentence out of context, I suggest for fairness' sake that folks should read your whole message before continuing to read this: while wolf processes the vast majority of violations on this forum, I did notice, back in the days when I was a hub leader and could check the violations page myself, that you had also processed a couple of posts in the thirty or so that were listed. It's my understanding that you continue to step in on occasion to process violations. How does it work? Does wolf ask for your help on days when he's busy doing other things, or do you just decide to step in when you think it's necessary. If it's the latter, what criteria do you use?

I can't help noticing that one message by biajj remains on the forum - you know, the one in which he calls SGE "spineless" in the heading. I would say that's about as abusive as anything that you or biajj have ever had to face here. And me for that matter. This is not a trick question because I'm going to be up front with you, knowing that biajj is an old friend of yours. How can you say what I quoted you as saying above and still allow that post to remain?

I know, it's a dilemma. Even if biajj were correct in his assessment of SGE - I have the opposite opinion of SGE but that's not the point - that's still not acceptable behaviour. That's why I suggest for the second time today that responsibility be taken away from most of the hub leaders and left in the hands of those who have truly shown themselves to be both fair and moderate. I pick out especially DesignGuy, emtnester, l2007s, although they're not the only ones.

One final thing: you can correct me on this because it's a guess. I don't think agora permits you to continue to process violations out of the goodness of agora's heart or for old times' sake. You're on the list and until you ask to be removed, as I asked to be removed, you'll stay there, it's as simple as that. Really, what do you think is agora's aim? Agora wants as many page hits as possible - it's Agora's business - just so long as things don't get too out of hand. Unfortunately, it seems that a poster calling another poster "spineless" doesn't quite measure up to agora's criterion of what's not acceptable either.

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