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over 14 years ago
in response to tpfkaf's message

It's interesting that some people seem to think Wolf and I have some kind of "tag team" thing going on. Simply not true. Just like I've never asked Wolf to bring any of my Yahoo posts here, I've never "consulted" with him about violations, nor vice versa.

The answer to your question is that I act independently when I feel like doing so, and, just like everyone else, the decision on any given day is a function of how I view things, what kind of time I have for consideration, what is going on in a given exchange between folks, and probably an infinite number of other factors for which none of us can ever give a full account --- I don't use a "checklist".

As to the subject of personal attacks, I'm not going to comment on the SGE/Brian exchange you mentioned because I haven't read it. I don't read lots of the posts here, and even when I do, I certainly don't start salivating over the fact that I have the ability to use the "violation button". Also, as I told Opty, I don't think I have ever reported anyone's post as a violation, and I don't think I've ever removed a post (unless it was after "unremoving" one already removed).

I will say that I don't particularly enjoy name-calling (although, while not liking to admit it, there are probably a few posts from me over the years in which I have done so). On the other hand, I don't think every time someone uses a "bad word" with reference to someone else that it warrants being labeled a personal attack. For example, I seem to recall that I've used the word "coward" a few times on message boards, and, as long as the description fits the behavior and is adequately supported by the facts, that would be a appropriate "label" under the circumstances. Similarly, if someone calls another poster a "liar", and what the poster said can be shown to be objectively and demonstrably untrue, then I wouldn't see that as a personal attack --- I would see it as an accurate assessment of the poster's behavior. Those kinds of things depend on the circumstances, and I don't have the time or the inclination to follow all of those circumstances.

The kind of personal attacks I'm talking about are when people depart from the facts and/or well-reasoned opinion, and, instead, use deceit, inuendo, half-truths, and/or outright misrepresentations to undermine someone else's character and integrity. IMO, no one --- not me, not Brian, nor anyone else --- should be excused for engaging in that kind of conduct, and if we fall short of the mark, we should apologize. I've made apologies on occasion for lesser "infractions", but to my recollection, I have never engaged in a personal attack of the type I have described.

As to Brian, you are correct --- he's my friend, and I will support him to the end. That doesn't mean I always agree with everything he says and/or does, nor does he with respect to me. We're all human, and we all make mistakes. Brian will make his share, and I'll make mine, and, hopefully, we will, as will most other folks who similarly err, make the decision to do the right thing and then move on.

I hope you and yours are well. Take care.

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