Patriot Scientific

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in response to ease2002's message

First, let's focus on your first paragraph, because it is very telling:

"Right on schedule. Thank you for being so predictable. I knew exactly how many thumbs were given, but I also knew if I exaggerted the number you couldn't resist replying because you focus so much on attempting to manage your reputation ;-)."

So let's get this straight. You did not hesitate to exagerate - to lie - to the entire membership of PTSC Agora simply to draw a response from one poster, me. You had no problem with this. You demonstrate AGAIN that you has zero integrity. This is obviously your SOP. Integrity? You don't seem to care. It is secondary to whatever else your objective may be.

Manage my reputation? No, you lied and I called you on it. However, I do care about maintaining MY integrity. And I honestly couldn't care less how many thumbs Brian got with his post, because I KNOW that it's a bogus number padded with an endless stream of alias votes. That aside, I still don't care.

My reference to Brian being "spineless" had two purposes. One was more directed at a certain Hub Leader who apparently did not recognize this as a direct violation of Agora's rules, so if use of that word is acceptable, why not? The other was directed at Brian, who apparently had no clue as to what use of that term means. If you're going to call me a disparaging name, at least attempt to use one that "fits". It didn't, at all, and was a far more accurate characterization of his behavior here, not mine.

As for you, you've proven to all who you really are and what you are about. Since you have apparently adopted an appreciation for numbers of thumbs, I suggest you review YOUR recent post history and count them. And I suspect everyone probably recognizes that the thumbs you do manage to garner are probably via your own alias'. No credibility. Only here to disrupt and attempt to manipulate - 25 if opposed, 10 if unopposed. And the SOP for both of these activities? Exagerate and lie.



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