zeusrock's Profile

zeusrock's Posts

Fantastic quick response from PTSC ref hoax dividend

Thank you guys for quashing that nonsense in such a quick and frank to the point fasion!! ;-)

Speed, health & strength to you with the lawyers & courts.

Long & Strong


almost 14 years ago
(MMW) LLC compared to (PTSC) Corporation

Interesting to see that an LLC has this transparency in legal proceedings and PTSC Corporation is less transparent to public owners!!!

almost 14 years ago
Re: My guess is we will see some buying @ the open...

I would not place any shares for sale tomorrow for less than 50 cents, why sell now??

Shall warmly welcome further news from PTSC....... Yes, PTSC only, news from.........

Happy and content


almost 14 years ago
Re: Weird - Thought on my part .... may I suggest vintageMCC

Entire board on Performance Related Pay !!! Hurrah!!

I'm amazed a big law firm hasn't looked at this and gone, hmmm we can buy it for $50m and take it by the scruff of the neck and turn the cub into a lion with teeth.

almost 14 years ago
A polite request for news from PTSC on MMP Licensing

Please please please can we have news of MMP licensing activities and status.

No news is good news...... for a while!!! the last announcements we have applauded (most have anyhow)

Very best of luck with all your endeavours

Long & Strong


almost 14 years ago
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