Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to ignited's message

Ignited, It may be me but I am not sure I follow what you are attempting to say in your reply to my post.

In my opinion you seem to be saying on one hand we should not be critical of the Board of Patriot or they might not be nice to us or do their job as they are being paid to do but on the other hand you also seem to be critical of them.

If this Board ignores the will of the shareholders vote over several elections and continues to obfiscate and ignore the desires of a vast majority of the shareholders of Patriot while poorly managing what is left of PTSC what makes you think that they would change their form of compensation from cash to Patriot shares or for that matter be better stewards of Patriot if only we were nicer to them?

Remember, it was several years ago when Cliff in front of a room full of shareholders stated that he would not buy shares in Patriot as he could not afford to invest in such a risky investment!!! (yes I know that aprox a year ago he bought if I recall 75k shares at aprox. ten cents per share. A drop in the bucket compared to the millions he has taken from Patriot. And I do not mean earned). If his performance at the recent shm was any indication of his work ethic

(a nineteen minute once a year talk to shareholders of a company teetering on the brink with more questons and answers then imo could be responded to properly in one four hour meeting)

then he should of resigned no later then when he made that statement of "risky investment" in relationship to the company he was being called a CEO of, I asked him at the time diretly and in person to resign based on that statement and many times since but he is till there. IMO, a Ceo of a pub licy held company chief duty is to work daily on increasing shareholder value and calling your company too risky to buy stock in is not a way to lure investment ro share price stability.

So I ask you exactly what do you think a non critical body of shareholders would see out of this Board?

I centainly believe that they would love for us to be quiet until the coffers are dry but I believe that they are most concerned that someone might some day lift that curtain and realize the sham that the "Wizards of Oz (ptsc board members) have been pulling on shareholders for far to many years.

Ignited, lastly we all would like to be more respectful to the Board of Patriot but I was always taught and instructed that Respect is earned not given blindly.

When one takes compensation to do a job you either do the job correctly and responsibly or you step down if you cannot do the job properly or you are being poorly treated. You do not keep taking money under what you know is false pretenses. This Board should of gone away a long time ago if they had an oune of ............ (fill in the blank).


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