Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to toproller's message

Ok.. I'll play 'troller....

I do not support what you say because it seems to havd no reason other than you are upset.

Who isn't upset besides those in bed with the BoD or DL/TPL..?? The longterm investor, the actual owners of the patents.. those who believed in the patents.. who invested in the patents, is the only player here getting shafted...

BoD of past got paid plus their bonus/severance.. DL has undoubtedly hidden enough for himself and his family to live like kings... Swartz made over a $100M.. the lawyers are googoo eyed over their take.. the current BoD have been drawing big bucks for nearly a decade now to the tunes of million$... and I'd bet are very content right were PTSC finds itself. In an absolute do nothing position.. yet still get paid (like that's much different from what they've done for yrs).. with about $7M or so left with which to continue their salaries..

It has become apparent that the shareholders of this company are not willing to throw money into an investigative litigation... So perhaps Ignited's idea of attempting to motivate a third party investigation is not that bad...

As for reasons why... where to start?? As things stand those who have stewarded PTSC for us shareholders have not acomplished one thing for us.. yes the patents survived the PTO.. and won in NDoC.. but the shareprice never went up in any substantial manner after those events (tho it has allowed them to continue to draw salaries for many additional yrs) Except in '06 when the goal was for Swartz to be able to dump his 100Ms shares and the retail guy was allowed along for that short ride, nothing has benefitted retail... The BoD have failed utterly in their Fiduciary Responsibilities to the shareholders they were suposedly beholden to... They choose to hide.. they choose to do nothing and let DL run roughshod over themselves and therefore us.. they rolled over and bestowed DL as defacto CEO with no checks/balance in place.. even when the opportunities have been there to take back control: litigation over commingling.. they gave DL an even stronger CA.. Now the Bk is there for them to take back possesion of the patents/PDS and secure a licensor who would actually license the MMP but they haven't made a peep and allow continuence after continuence.. Brian called for the jettisoning of DL/TPL/Alliasence and the multitudes echoed him (54 thumbs) SEVEN months ago...

No.. they allowed this bed to be made for PTSC and its investors/owners.. and perhaps (imo) were even complicit in the manner in which it has been contrived.. what other conclusion can one come to??

I believe the BoD is quite content where we are... doing nothing and collecting their silver..

IF you were a long or an actual investor, how would that make you feel??

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