Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
over 10 years ago
Re: duck...
over 10 years ago
Re: duck...
over 10 years ago
in response to ronran's message

"And you are wrong again, or being disingenous. Your estimate doesn't include my cost basis, which must be considered in any meaningful assessment of the performance of my investment in PTSC. Your estimate of dividends is also conisiderably low."

You are right, I never mentioned your cost basis. Becuase in the context of what I was saying, it has nothing to do with it. I was simply saying you had gotten around $400,000 out of your PTSC investment. I wasn't implying that that was your profit, I was simply saying that you had around $400,000 "in hand". So risking $1,000 seems a trifle under those circumstances, no? You state my "estimate of dividends is also considerably low". Is that a freudian slip, or are you just reinforcing my point for me.

As to your next comment about why you hold this stock - are you kidding me??? You say I am in love with PTSC but you are the one holding just because you won't lose overall on the investment?? When in your previous post you cited talking to an investment couselor and what their opinion would be?? Well, ask that same investment counselor about the wisdom of holding a stock just because you've more than broken even, when by all accounts you don't think it will increase in value. BTW, when I state this I admit I am not taking from what you've posted directly as you in fact haven't bashed the stock to the extent of many of the people you support. It is the support of those people that I have more of a problem with. And being from Chicago, I am keenly aware of how those "buffers" work.

As for your comments psychoanalyzing me, you couldn't be more wrong. In fact, with the dividends I received I'm in overall OK shape with my investment. Didn't make a lot because I didn't sell at the highs. But I am certainly not emotionally involved or in love with the stock and feel no pressure at this point as to how it will perform in the future. I hold because I believe it will increase in value. Contrary to what you say, I "attack" people that I think are being misleading or disingenuous. Becuase that is what I really hate.

Have to run now. Maybe more later.

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