Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to FutTheWuk's message I decided I'd answer your little meansprited post and shove your words right back down your throat. I consider you an utter coward insofar as being able to deal with reality, blinded by having fallen in love with PTSC, and in conjunction with some kind of a dark fascination and/or fixation on me, Brian, and several others that compels you to viciously and repeatedly attack us. Time for you to grow up and get your emotions under control.

How can you even post [that PTSC needs to show something to investors]?

I can post it because it's true. Ask any competent investment counselor.

...PTSC has been giving you reasons to sell for the last 8 years.

Actually, in a general sense, PTSC has been giving lots of people reasons to sell for the last 8 years. That's why the price has continued to drop during that time rather than going up from the $2.00 level, which is when it was showing investors good reasons to buy the stock.

...yet you are still here.

Yes, I am, even though I don't need to be. I offer explanation of legal concepts at no charge, and, whether you believe it or not, I do so as a service to others. Sorry you have a problem with that, but it is additional evidence of your obvious hatred.

From a man that has pulled out over $400,000 from this stock in dividends and stock sales

Not that my profits/losses are any of your business, but that figure is way too high.

Now, as to your supposed "commitment", we all know that you'll never actually contribute any money, because those of us you've so childishly "challenged" will never be able to satisfy your criteria --- that's the way you've set it up, just like all cowards do. Just as we can't even say much of anything in this forum that you would ever agree with, we cannot guarantee that an SEC investigation or a shareholder suit would be successful --- no one taking such action, and no lawyer representing any such clients, can ever do so. That's why you would always be able to find an "out" so that you are never required to actually pony up anything, and why, unlike the rest of us who are willing to do despite the risk of an adverse result, you are simply spineless and disingenuous.

I can give you quite a few "actionable" items, not that any of them would satisfy you because, as above, the result can never be assured --- so relax, my rude little friend, you'll never need to actually do anything despite your loudmouthed "big talk" . Primarily, PTSC's largest "sin" is representing to the SEC and the public that it is controlled by its officers and directors when, as a matter of fact, it has been controlled by Dan Leckrone for a number of years now. That one item, in and of itself, might just be enough to bring down the whole house, including some very large tangent players. But, of course, one never knows unless, unlike you, one has the guts to at least explore the effort.

Finallly, as to your "big expenses" coming, up, I have one daughter in college then probably headed to grad school in 2015, and another daughter headed to college in the Fall. So, let's compare current and near-term expenses sometime.

Time now for more of your insults, I suppose. Bring it on.

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