Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to ronran's message

"If PTSC itself cannot show exisiting shareholders and potential investors why its stock is either a good value, or at least a good risk, they will look for those opportunities elsewhere -"

OMG. According to "your" group PTSC has been giving you reasons to sell for the last 8 years. And yet you are still here. How can you even post this.

As to your "great" commitment of $1,000 for legal action, WOW. From a man that has pulled out over $400,000 from this stock in dividends and stock sales - what a commitment. Doesn't sound like you think there's much of anything there as far as that avenue goes, but you decided to "back" the good guys.

Tell you what. I'll triple your commitment. Yes, this from a BOD apologist. Just 3 provisions -

1) Ronran comes on here and posts specifics regarding what he thinks are actionable items and what outcome we might hope to expect regards those items, and

2) The following posters make the same commitment that I am making, since they either have been the most vocal or have been around long enough to be to in a position to commit -

Toxic Waste, biajj, ease, laurie (l2007s), BaNosser, Lamberts, marc, Huntington, shboomer, ronran, ads, bankerson

3) The following posters commit to $300 each - enoughalready, itsmoneytime, runner, Alfred E

I have a daughter getting married in June and another one graduating from grammer school. So money is tight for me. So no excuses from the chosen ones.

Oh, and my money will go directly to the attorney, not to some anonymous message board poster.

Time to put up or shut up boys and girls.

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