Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
over 10 years ago
Re: duck...
over 10 years ago
Re: duck...
over 10 years ago
in response to FutTheWuk's message

I'n not going to get down on your childish level and start referring to you as "Mr. Beancounter", but you may wish to consider the following.

You sold 200,000 shares when the price was around $2 per share. In addition you should have received at least around $100,000 in dividends. If anything I think my numbers are too low.

And you are wrong again, or being disingenous. Your estimate doesn't include my cost basis, which must be considered in any meaningful assessment of the performance of my investment in PTSC. Your estimate of dividends is also conisiderably low.

As to why I've continued to hold most of my remaining PTSC shares, I've posted it many times. I simply don't need to sell them, having pretty much "zeroed out" with the main sell mentioned above. In other words, as I've said numerous times over the years, I can lose profit, but I can't lose my original investment. So, I've stuck around, although I will tell you that I surely wish I'd sold all my shares back in 2006 because it hasn't been pretty watching lots of my profit, at least in PTSC, disappear. Thankfully, I did invest the money I took out of PTSC elsewhere, and it has done relatively well --- which, again, has allowed me to hold my other PTSC shares. If you think that's stupid, I won't necessarily disagree, because, frankly, I sometimes feel rather stupid having done so.

As to "bitching and moaning", I'm not sure where you're coming from. I haven't engaged in any significant "BoD bashing" for quite awhile now, and I've always pointed out the hoped-to-be positive effect that each attempted acquisition, development in litigation, and other such events might bring. I've even talked about why the ITC loss shouldn't be considered a "be all, end all" negative. Of course, when these various things haven't done anything for the share price, I've also said why I believe they haven't worked out and/or why the same may well not be expected to do so in the future.

Finally, as to legal matters pertaining to possible wrongdoing, I've also posted a great deal about that. If you believe that insiders paying themselves hundreds of thousands of dollars while returning strongly negative results for the retail shareholders is an example of the fulfilment of fiduciary duty, then we can agree to disagree --- but that's a common basis, among others, that is present in shareholder derivative suits, which you would know if you had done a little research. And I've already commented, both today and in the past, about the total transfer of control to a private entity/individual. There's lots more, of course, that could be said, but no need to rehash all of it in this post.

Your "lying by omission" comment only pretends to hold water for "positive thinkers" who regularly engage in reality avoidance because, like you, they have "fallen in love" with PTSC. However, the fact is that, over the last 7 - 8 years, there hasn't been much to cheer about in terms of how PTSC has been operated, and consequently, how it has performed --- just a string of failed acquisitions, and, in terms of licensing deals, a pattern of deception that our BoD had to know was occurring from the time of the Sony settlement. The only real bright spot has been the recent NDCA verdict, which, by the way, I've continued to portray as positive.

So, the problem, Steve, in an overall sense, isn't that I'm always "negative" or that I don't discuss all the facts, because my posts demonstrate the contrary. Rather, the problem is that you can't be objective --- so it riles you when others talk about reality. Apparently, you are so far invested in PTSC, and you have so many financial obligations coming up (I'm not slamming you on that, and am in fact commiserating with you, as I mentioned before), that you have allowed yourself to become "emotionally invested". So, when you see others attacking PTSC, even if it's factual and accurate, you feel that it's an attack on you, personally. That's why we rarely hear anything but insults from you, because you feel compelled to try to make others "feel your pain" when you think they're threatening your "baby". (And yes, before you ask, I actually do hold a psychology degree.)

You can continue this hatemongerhing of yours if you wish. I may get irriated with it and express such now and then when I occasionally read one of your posts, but I'm never going to wish ill things toward you on a personal level.

Sincerely, whether you believe it or not, best wishes.

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