Alfred_E's Profile

Alfred_E's Posts

Re: The 9th...EA

I'm with you EA...I think the ruling will be reversed...I feel this stock has one more opportunity to punch me in the gut.

I have held this nearly 16 years if history is any indicator this little POS has the tendancy to rise from the dead every so often.

almost 8 years ago
Re: 545,000 shares traded in the first 10 minutes

Wow...huge position taken..Maybe it was Warren Buffet or Carl Icahn....alotta talk on The Street these days floating around about what a value play PTSC is.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Please note the dates of filing and of when stock began to move

If Dominion Harbor is really making an effort to sell a license that would be great...

Could you imagine if your boss dropped the MMP file on your desk...OK Charlie now go out and sell this license...btw its all commish for you here on out...

about 8 years ago
Re: Please note the dates of filing and of when stock began to move

If PTSC can hold above .008 into 2017 I would say mandatory increases in BOD bonuses for all...that would be a sustained increase of 100% for a quarter.At .0055 we are almost there.

And everyone said these guys didn't care about shareholder value.

about 8 years ago
Re: Well, I spoke too soon...

This is funny stuff...somebody MUST know something...have a good weekend

about 8 years ago
Re: What's wrong with this picture...sricket

If PTSC is .003 is it possible to buy one share...and what currency would that be?

I'd like change of a penny please.

over 8 years ago
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