POET Technologies Inc.

in response to QuantumX's message

Hi Q,

You have contributed a many interesting and pertainant posts. In the one yesterday you used a train analogy. I used the same analogy in an email I sent to Ajit last week. We have met at a couple of meetings and conferences, and I find him the be really a nice person, also very smart/wise. My email was just to say hi and congratulate him & crew for the great test results in their last NR. In my message I used a "like a freght" analogy for the direction our company was headed. In the text I modified it to say "like a MagLev" because of it's inhearent speed capabilities. Anyway he replied and said they were excited by the results as well. He went on to say they will not dissapoint and thanked me of the faith to stay with POET. Also, shareholders value utmost of importance to him. Anyway, please keep on posting Quantum X. I especially liked the post illustrating the shape of the light beam projected by a laser from a VCSEL, LED, and I think it was an edge or side emmiting laser. I think that was you. Very informative. Lots of good posts lately. I have been working extra and adding to the "POET Retirement Fund" as I can..I also have been commenting on somewhat older posts. Sorry about that. Hopefully still revelant. Cheers, Good Things to Come! Hope to see everyone, at least those that can come, at the AGM! Bt

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