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HOGAN's Posts

Re: Grasping at straws

And I'll throw in the fact that I believe their financial circumstances may also play a part in disclosure of content and timing. Having completed an alpha prototype and in the hands of customers for testing, if disclosed, may yield sufficient umph for a NAZ listing which may be contemplated if in fact a "raise" is required at presumably a higher level than CAD$0.36

over 7 years ago
Re: Newest Issue of Semiconductor Today Mag

This paragraph is from the November release, underline and bold is mine:

POET’s Chief Executive Officer Suresh Venkatesan commented, “Revenue in the quarter reflects expanded sales of DenseLight photonic sensors, primarily to existing customers for test & measurement applications. Although we are making solid progress on revenue and product expansion within our DenseLight subsidiary, our integration activities intended to establish a commercial foundation for the consolidated Company are not without challenges. We have uncovered certain deficiencies in the organizational, functional and operational structure of the fab. Importantly, we have already begun to address and remedy these vulnerabilities in order to realize the full value of this business and its related infrastructure. Despite these short-term challenges, we remain highly confident in the potential and unique value proposition that DenseLight represents for its customers and the Company alike.”

I would like to think that the most recent round of "organizational" changes we clearly presented to the shareholders prior to the subsequent and recent announcement. 

over 7 years ago
Re: I'm going to just throw this out here.......


I respect your opinion and comments but my position is on the basis on disclosed information, the information you speak is not, and therefore is unsubstantiated

over 7 years ago
Re: I'm going to just throw this out here.......

I'll agree to an extent. You don't put your players on the ice (for the Canucks on the board) unless you're ready to start the game. Generally speaking I think that is the underlying message. With all due respect to Subhash, he probably declined the directive to relocate in Singapore but his expertise it appears is welcomed in his role as advisor to the CEO.

As far as buy, buy, buy............stay tuned

over 7 years ago
Re: PIC Conference Brussels March 7-8

It has been noted that last year the Denselight acquisition was happening and that could very well have been the catalyst for cancelling his presentation, and, perhaps coupled with the fact that the platform wasn't ready for any type of public disclosure. Could it be that this year, the conference and his paper nicely coincides with what we or some believe will be promising news during the first quarter particularly when viewing the title of presentation?

Chin up folks !!!!

over 7 years ago
Re: European project developing integrated silicon photonics process

Very interesting find Disco with two thoughts or observations from my perspective:

  1. The integration perspective certainly validates what PTI is attempting achieve and therefore is comforting knowing that the future is potentially very rewarding

  2. It accentuates the importance of getting to the finish line first. I would tend to think and we all have believed that PTI has the pole position but do we have the horsepower to win the race.

Knowing that many others are out there pushing for effectively the same solution is encouraging and troublesome at the same time. 

I sure hope our team gets there first and with the most favourable platform.

almost 8 years ago
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