Derekwpg's Profile

Derekwpg's Posts

Tried to get my buddy to go to

the new office, but he is already on the move and out of San Jose. 

Here is his response to my inquiry.

One would think that a tech company that employs a PR firm would be able to keep their web info. up to date?


I'm afraid we have moved on from San Jose and are now near San Luis Obispo, and there is no looking back. If I could have been certain that the vehicle outside what I thought was their office belonged to a Poet executive, I would have slipped a note under the wipers indicating my initial purchase cost and the current price, with a question something like "WTF"?, and when did they think I might be in a position to recover my initial investment. I really hope they know what they are doing!


Good luck,





Safe travel mon ami.


good luck to us all.  Derekwpg

over 7 years ago
Pictures now on

If you go there, search for POET San Jose Offices.

They are what they are. My comments on the first post stand. 


Take care. 



over 7 years ago
Not sure if anyone cannot see them but

They were there I swear! Sorry. I'll try again another time. Seems after the 5 minute edit period ended, the disappeared. Hope some can see them. I'll try again when I'm not about to fall asleep. Good night. Derekwpg

over 7 years ago
Trying to send the pics again

First time didn't seem to work.

This should.

Cheers everyone!



Thought you might like to see where our San Jose investments are being put to work. 
Could not obtain access, as the facility, like all around it, was well secured. Quiet, non-descript area, and one can only wonder as to what goes on in this great area just a few miles from Stanford University. 

Poet seemed to be just an office under the banner of "Maskless Lithography", unless they have just not incurred the expense to change the building and parking lot signage. (A guy wearing a mask did, however, come out of the building as we were leaving!?, and "Maskless" does not appear as a tenant on the street signage?). 
Nice car in the lot, although not many spaces utilized. 

Best of luck on this ride, partners,


over 7 years ago
A few pics from a fellow investor

These are some pics taken by a fine gentleman and friend who got into POET a few years ago. He is in San Jose and sent me these tonight. I will include his letter at the end. 

Thought you might like to see where our San Jose investments are being put to work. 
Could not obtain access, as the facility, like all around it, was well secured. Quiet, non-descript area, and one can only wonder as to what goes on in this great area just a few miles from Stanford University. 

Poet seemed to be just an office under the banner of "Maskless Lithography", unless they have just not incurred the expense to change the building and parking lot signage. (A guy wearing a mask did, however, come out of the building as we were leaving!?, and "Maskless" does not appear as a tenant on the street signage?). 
Nice car in the lot, although not many spaces utilized. 

Best of luck on this ride, partners,



Thank you Wayne. Much appreciated. The door sign does look pretty .36 cent ish, imho....very disappointing actually. I think IR could spring for a proper sign that better reflects POET. Say 10% of one months payment. Would be a nice sign. 

I am Buddha, hear me sit.....(crickets chirping).



over 7 years ago
Re: All roads...Sula

"Those who would happily part with their investment for a pittance surely must lack imagination and the patience necessary to allow this potential to unfold."


...or perhaps it's just that people can not justify holding onto the dream any longer when very real bills and obligations need to be covered. The years of "buying opportunities" that have appeared may pan out but people need to see fruit on the tree, not just leaves. Even Oogee said he is pulling the plug by this summer. Some can not wait forever Sula and you do not seem to appreciate or are aware that sometimes there are reasons people sell their shares other then a lack of imagination or patience.  Sometimes it's just the right decision for them and their family at the time. Nothing more. 



over 7 years ago
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