Moska's Profile

Moska's Posts

Re: PIC Conference Brussels- Still await 2 abstracts

to be fair, the other one they are still waiting on is the event's Keynote address. These guys are really busy!

over 7 years ago
Light volume, but large spread

Haven't seen that at these levels before.

over 7 years ago
Re: Pictures now on


That piece of paper with POET on it has been taped to the door and looking somewhat sad for awhile now.

If you look carefully, the logo is not printed on the paper, to my eye at least. It is silkscreened on the window. The paper was stuck behind it so that the logo will be visible even when the lights are turned off in the entrance foyer.

over 7 years ago
Re: Newest Issue of Semiconductor Today Mag

Although the story is a bit stale (inevitable given the magazine apparently publishes on two-month cycles), it looks like more of the kind of information we as shareholders crave was given to the writer of that article than is ever released in a formal PR.

over 7 years ago
Re: Dumping right on Queue (TRAB)

Perhaps many of us have assumed that the only tangible outcome or benefit of having had this TRAB should have been either a product order or an investment stake by the company that full-time employs T.B., or some traditional concept of what such a board might do in the context of another sort of company. 

Could it simply be that the board fulfilled the mission that Ajit set for it at the beginning, and that that mission may have been less about one or more specific products and more about developing internal management protocols and benchmarking abilities; or: figuring out what kind of backgrounds for the various unfilled upper management slots should be sought out, given that the technology could lead the industry into uncharted waters? or, given the company affiliation of T.B., we might have been learning from the master about how to keep company secrets, and how to set up a system within the company and its supply chain whereby such key trade secrets could be kept secure...

Not trying to conjure excuses... just trying to think outside the box we have constructed for ourselves.

over 7 years ago
Re: Sula

 Not sure about the fruit company, but I would like to think also that the TRAB has done it's job for now.


I hope someday that we will be given a peek at the minutes of their meetings. Just so we can understand what really went on during this trying time...

over 7 years ago
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