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brightech's Posts

Re: Data Centers and Telecommunications

I liked the above thread title so I used it.  Monk, I totally agree with you, I did find this article quite interesting.  It seems to be very related to POET's work.  Morning Star, thanks for your article this morning.  I learned about Chalcongens  today  (My spell check thinks I spelled Halogen wrong) Very interesting as well, thank you.  Not a lot of posts today but the content was neat.  SHV, perhaps your theory has merit.  I have no idea but interesting.  If I might borrow a phrase from our Cheapinski, ECWB (Eternal Cosmic Wisdom Bro).  Kind of catchy for a "left coast" guy.  (don't worry, still very well grounded here)   Cheers  BT   

over 7 years ago
Re: Anyone noticed

New Patents are impressive.  Building a solid foundation.  At this point,  any speculation about specific customers (like apple or others), I think should be saved until we hear from management.  Very delicate, sensitive area right now, In my opinion. BT

over 7 years ago
Inflecion Point?

Please forgive me if I'm wrong but could we have an inflexion point right in front of us.  With Luxmux excited about their newly acquired technology from our Denselight, both attending the Photonics Event in SF be one?  Not the AOC, POET has in store, but nonetheless, they both have a booth and travelled a great distance, I'm sure great expense, to show the world Denselight's SLED. SLED with unparalleled quality and performance.  I think it could be a possibility.  Comments?   BT   

over 7 years ago
Re: Photonics West—28 January - 2 February 2017

Hi Wake,

Thanks so much for the tip on the Luxmux booth.  I love these shows and having destination goals to visit, with whom I am indirectly involved, really makes it meaningful and exciting.  I will check the Luxmux Booth.  I was impressed with the comment Luxmux CEO, Yonathan Dattner, made after researching other suppliers about the importance of "engaging with POET-Technologies as a supplier and strategic partner" and selecting  Denselight's SLED, referring to it's  "unparalleled quality and performance".  (credits to Shash for NR quotes), taken at face value, very impressive in my view.  "It keeps on getting better".  (that quote was from me).  All the Best,  BT        

over 7 years ago
Re: Photonics West—28 January - 2 February 2017

Just to be clear, the Photonics West Event referred to above will be held in San Francisco.  I plan to attend if time allows, and visit the Denselight exhibit.  If so I'll try to post some info regarding it.  The Superluminecent  Diodes (SLEDs) sound very interesting to me.

Cheers , BT

over 7 years ago
Re: Happy Holidays

Holiday Greetings from Napa, California.  Nice to see the variety of countries and locations represented here.  Agoracom brings us together, and we all have POET in common.  We are truly an international group.  I hope we can become a rich international group due to our investment in POET, and all be capable of attending the next AGM.  It seems good things are ahead for us in 2017.  My wish is for health and prosperity for our management, staff, and shareholders.  Peace.  BT      

over 7 years ago
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