BmRBnZorPoet's Profile

Believing is one thing, execution is another.

BmRBnZorPoet's Posts

Harassment - Re: New Communication Policy

With all due respect, the amount of BS questions and harrasment Brett and I can imagine Tom have received is most likely outstanding.


If you look at the type of people who post here on a regular basis and the amount of woodwork hillbillies that come out here also on  regular basis, just to give '2 cents' is sickening.


Leave them alone unless you have an actual, meaningful, targeted question. Not, 'share price'.


To everyone here ..


"The previous delays we encountered largely related to epitaxial wafer supply and more recently export license controls were both resolved subsequent to quarter-end, which has enabled us to resume progress toward the production of integrated device prototypes."


Delightfully, pound sand to the posters here who can't seem to keep thier fingers off the keyboard. Go apply at Wal Mart and become a greater ...



almost 8 years ago
There was only one right person here ...

& that was me.

Kudos to Mackweaton for discovering a post after the THM > do not expect anything for another few months. The dilution is done and the SP was controled prior to the PP by shorts to lower the price. This was and is a direct correlative to inexperienced management with the public markets.

There has been a lot of he said, she said and stabs at one another here. I am going to settle this for once and for all ...

FJ - You have never been right on any predictions, your sources have always let you down, those same sources are many of which I've spone to as well; IBK. FJ, can you not see that MW has fed you and all of us a bowl of soggy cereal for all this time? Please, just stop.

Yes, Suresh filed a letter to holders, again it was a cover up for the inexperience he has with public markets and a cover up as per IR's consulting. IR by the way is not responding to anyone, $9000 per month, I have a problem with that.

November 28th is coming soon, are we to expect anything concrete? No. Are we going to be given guidance on 2017 revenues, yes. Will it be earth shattering? No.

The REALITY here is folks, everyone, amigo's is that POET is a longer hold than expected. Many of you have been here for years, myself included. Keep sitting back and if you can't wait another 12 months or so, leave.

Oh, and on the possibility of a take over bid in the next 3 - 6 months, i believe it is highly possible. If you look at burn rates, cash in the coffer if you may, they have 8 - 10 months of life span remaining. Sure many of you here will argue that how ever with the shooting from the hip this management team is doing lately, i'd argue and stand ground on the above. Take over bids could come in a $500m US - $750m US. Honestly, I'm surprised this has not happened already ...

... to be frank, i would be ok with that.

Start being realistic and stop being a visionary.



almost 8 years ago
Re: Suggestions to POET management + thanks Mackwheaton

Mika would have also recommended the salary reductions in the short term to reduce burn rates and protect cash in the coffer.

@ Mackwheaton - thanks for the Post Of The Year. Hate to say to many here, told you so.

They are building a more systematically stronger business. Brining the epitaxy in house is a smart and will speed things up much quicker. I believe the existing time lines will shorten or begin to shorten very soon. I foresee 2018 changing to 2017.



almost 8 years ago
Everyone Please Take A Seat

"The booking is now closed. They now have the funds necessary to ramp up production and sales. Revenue forecast for 2017 in November."

Don't question the quote, don't question the source, don't question my questions.

The funds raised we're evidetly required NOW to ramp up things speedy. While we have a managment who wishes to fire from the hip and evidently is a worse shooter than shooter mcgavin himself, everyone here needs to stop typing on the keyboard.

Some of you have raised a good quote in the scenario we're in - 'Do you really think bankers and instituions would have filled this so quickly if there was not belief and evidence?'

Now, am I happy? No. Am I severly frustrated, Yes. Do I feel like going back to that boardroom at thier office in San Fran and reeming them out? Yes.

Do I think they're going to make this company work? Yes.

Like the father of a groom at a wedding I once went to said in his speech; "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at'all."



almost 8 years ago
Re: News, there's a start

This is really great news. No further comment.



almost 8 years ago
Re: Shorters Alert

Haha Mo. You ARE out TO lunch ..
Feel free to visit Halifax anytime for a lunch on me

about 8 years ago
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