POET Technologies Inc.

in response to robvanhooren's message

"my base calculations have typically been around $75B (in lifetime net, not current value)."

"imo $8-12B ($35-50/share) would be 'fair' value."

"beware low-ball risk (I see it coming in the $4-7 range), and steel yourself for a fight."

Excellent points Rob. I agree with all of it.

I've always believed that POET could be worth what you stated in your last post, but the reality is it is highly unlikely us shareholders will ever see that value in PTK shares as they exist today. By the time POET IP reaches such worth, PTK would have been long taken over and in the control of some larger entity. Thats just the reality of business.

Whenever I've said this in the past, I get jumped on because people think I only believe its worth only a few billion or whatever which is entirely not true.

I just like to reiterate that I believe the sky is the limit on what the technology could be worth but I am almost certain that us shareholders will only reap the benfits of a fraction of that ultimate value. I hope that fraction still gives us a chance of at least $5-10 billion, but reality is, for that to happen in the next few years, the share price has a considerable amount of climbing to do because buyouts are established based off of a premium of the current stock price for publically traded companies. I've been saying this for a long time, and Chris confirmed this on the board sometime last year. Thats why we all need to cross our fingers that no takeover discussions are in the works until we are much further along into commercialization. I am also confident management has plans to prevent this from happening until considerably more value has been unlocked through an initial phase of commercialization.

Really liking the news yesterday, and looking forward to a bunch more revealed to us in the coming months. With whats coming, these recent gains should certainly stick.

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